Wildlife of the Nile
The African black rhino live on the Nile and can reach speeds of up to 30mph.  They drink, splash, and cool themselves in the Nile. And can weigh about twice as much as the average car.

Hippopotamus’s spend the day splashing in the Nile to stay cool and gathering in groups of up to 15 animals.  They tend to not wander a mile or two from the Nile. 

Several birds make their home on the Nile, the whale headed stork which resembles a pelican can be easily spotted.  The Red billed Ibis has a long bill and great balance and perches itself on the branches at the rivers edge. 

One of the biggest fish in the river and the world is the Nile Perch it weighs about 300 pounds and is about 6ft in length.  (Encarta Online 2003)
Nile Perch
Red Billed Ibis