Ginnie Springs    ::   High Springs, FL

5000 NE 60th Ave
High Springs, FL 32643


Additional Info:
Florida Caves

Average Depth: 80 ft Allowable Cert: O/W + Park Type: Private

Ginnie Springs is one of those gifts that Florida has given to us. It supports four divable outlets from the Floridan aquifer. These include Ginnie's Ballroom, Devil's Ear, Devil's Eye, and Little Devil. A popular site among cave divers and drunk folk, this location can have the feeling of a late night college party on the surface, but it's true beauty is found below. The cave system averages between 60 ft and 100 ft deep and is highly trafficked with high flow. On top of all of it's great features, there are some truely amazing photographic opportunities at Ginnie, particularly at the "Eye" where tannic water overlays the clear spring-fed water.

Ginnie Springs is a privately owned park, and they are not afraid to ask for your money. If you are certified full cave, it will cost about $20 to dive; anything else runs a tab of $30. It is also an additional $20 to camp each night. If you are an instructor teaching a course, you will be allowed in for free, but your students will still have to pay.