To increase economic growth, Guinea must utilize the natural resources that it has including minerals, hydropower, and natural beauty. Often, the country may have to make hard decisions between protecting its natural environment or increasing its productivity, i.e. damming a natural river. By preserving its natural beauty, Guinea can protect an asset that is becoming increasing more demanded: ecotourism. By fostering this industry and keeping the profits local, Guinea could rebuild its economic system.

The country could also bolster its economy with more efficient agriculture trade. By educating farmers on the best farming practices and subsidizing better communications among farmers, Guinea could strengthen its agriculture sector. In the past Guinea has put an economic emphasis on urban areas, but agriculture should get tax breaks too.

Like other countries in the area, Guinea may be better off in the long term by protecting much of its natural forests from logging until their worth is fully realized.

One of Guinea's main setbacks is the outflow of money made in the mining industry. These industries pay very little money to their workers and send the profits overseas. The companies should be pressured to keep profits local, and pay employees living wages.