National Park: Niger

The Niger National Park was officially established as a National Park in August of 1954. It was then recognized as an internationally important wetland site under the Ramsar Convention thirty-three years later. The soils are generally shallow and infertile with high iron content, particularly in the upland areas in the interior. It is estimated that today the park is home to over 500 plant species (Natural World Heritage). There are six principal habitat types found including shrublands, savanna woodlands, deciduous gallery forests, semi-deciduous gallery forests, evergreen gallery forests, and flooded plains (Natural World Heritage). The Niger River constitutes the northeast border of the Park.

Major River: Niger

The Niger River is the third longest river in Africa, behind the Nile and the Congo Rivers. It extends over 2500 miles (about 4000 km), running through Guinea, Mali, Niger, Benin and Nigeria (NationMaster.Com).