Photos . . .

Little Dain is out with the girls – Wendy, Krista, and Casey in St. Augustine, FL.  April 2005.


Little Dain with Aunt Wendy in St. Augustine, FL.  April 2005.


Mandarin Park near Jacksonville, FL.  March 2005.           


Mike, Case, and little Dain.  March 2005.


Taking my nephew Dain into the woods and wetlands, with his mom Casey and aunt Kelly.  March 2005. 


Little Dain being fussy for Oma in WPB, FL.  March 2005


Spanning four generations, Nana (great-grandmother), Casey (mom), and little Dain (baby).  March 2005.


I’m so cute!  Dain at 2 months.  January 2005.  


Ben and Christopher on a (plastic?) tortoise.  Fall 2004.


Monte Monster – the TV kitty in our first house!  August 2004.



A creek in Mt. Rainier National Park in Washington state.  July 2004.


Mt. Rainier view in Mt. Rainier National Park in Washington state.  July 2004.


A closer view of Mt. Rainier in Mt. Rainier National Park in Washington state.  July 2004.


Matt, Kelly, and Chuck at Safeco Field, Seattle, Washington.  July 2004.



Case and Wendy in St. Marks.  October 2003.


Rita, Sheila, and Ben in Bunratty, Ireland.  August 2003.


Ben on the Dingle Peninsula, Ireland.  August 2003.


Kelly at Clonmacnois in central Ireland.  August 2003.


Ben on Inishmore, the largest of the Aran Islands, Ireland.  August 2003.



The car we rented – look Ben is driving on the other side!  We have pulled off into a driveway – but this 2-way road is only as wide as our car!!  August 2003.


Ben and Case celebrate Ben’s birthday 7-9-03.


Kelly in the field . . . Palm Beach County, June 2003.


Dad, Case, and Mom on the beach at Sanibel near sunset.  May 2003.


Sanibel at sunset – May 2003.


Ben and Jonathan at Ben’s graduation from UF.  May 2003.


Casey’s birthday party at the Cheesecake Factory.  February 2003.  [Left from front: Joel, Krista, Case, Mike, Dad; Right from front: Ben, Kelly, Mom, Wendy, Brian]


One of my research sites – a cypress dome in Palm Beach County.  Summer 2001.


Joel, Chuck, and Kelly in an experimental wetland tub – pre-2000?


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