

Hourly Rate Packages

Hours tracked on Xcel spreadsheet. Hours are logged by task to the nearest 15 minutes. Depends on the complexity of the design needed and amount of content development/gathering as to how long it takes me. Also depends on your needs and amount of changes. An apporximation for a 10-page website would be about 20 (+ or -) hours.

"By the Job"
$400 and up

Logos, business cards, and T-shirts
start at $400 per design job. This includes 3 initial designs and up to 5 changes to the chosen design.

Web design / Flash packages
I evaluate each organization's needs on an individual basis. After discussing your needs with you, we negeotiate a contract.The cost depends on the size of the website, the amount of content I would need to develop or create, color scheme development, logo development/branding (if you don't have these already), and so on.

For minor changes or updates to a website or design I created. Billed to the nearest 15 minute-mark and tracked on Xcel sheet.