My favorite place to write

E veryone has picked up a pen or a pencil to jot something down. To write is not a hobby directly; however, playing around with words can be.

I love to write about anything and everything. Some like to play sports or make crafts. I like to do that stuff too, but then I like to come back, collect the experience and write. But this desire was not always as strong as it is now.

At age 5, I wanted to be a professional ballerina, but I found I had no sense of beat. At age 10 I wanted to be a doctor, but I found I was squeamish of blood. At age 15 I wanted to be a marine biologist, but I found science was not my thing. And now at age 20 I want to be a journalist. I found that writing as a profession is a dream come true, because not only do I love to write it is my main hobby. I have a notebook that I can scribble anything in from a piece of a short story to a description of a leaf. Whenever I get inspired to write, I do. My notebook is an area where I can play with words, bend and migrate them to compose something just for me. It isn’t the same as my writing for work; it is my escape, my hobby.

This hobby is quite surprising if you look into my past. In the forth grade my greatest fear was the FCAT writes upon request prompt. I was afraid of getting lower than the minimum three. Stressed, I ended up getting a two on one of the four essays we had to write. As a result, I got a writing tutor. For her, I wrote about prompt after prompt and learned how to be confident about my writing which was step one. Then years later in high school I joined my school paper, Trojan Talk. I feel in love with writing, and that is when I got my first notebook. Since then, I have gone through multiple notebooks and written about so many different things.

I started to write everyday and I still do. I enjoy putting memories into words and escaping reality from time to time through my own fantasy.

Though writing is my hobby, it is also my job. I have been writing for the Tallahassee Democrat since my senior year of high school. I have written sports articles, profiles on people in the Tallahassee community and covered various events.