SnapshotIf you happen upon a local bicycle race, you can't help but see Mike and Arden Cottle helping a young rider or fixing a busted part. Why? Their backdrop -- a 32-foot custom-painted trailer filled with parts galore towed behind a new matching pickup -- is hard to miss. In 1997, the couple mortgaged their home and "scraped and saved every penny we had" to open OutSpoken Bike Shop in Longwood. Soon after, Arden quit her job at a local bank to help manage the growing business. Now, the shop sells and services a variety of competitive and comfort bicycles to serve all types of two-wheeled enthusiasts. And the Cottles are passionate about their business: The couple's sons are expert racers, the shop sponsors weekly fun and fitness rides, and also offers free safety checks and advice. While other bike shops come and go, the Cottles find their key to success is keeping track of one important thing: "Servicing the customer," says Mike. "My customers are gold." -- Justin Sapp |