"ISM3004 Computing Portfolio Project, 2008
"Julie Cannon"
Check out my resume
My name is Julie Cannon and I am a junior at the University of Florida in the Business Administration program.
I am married and have been for 3 1/2 years and have two wonderful sons, Ryan, 13, and Clayton, 5 months. I love spending time with my family. That is my number
one priority.
Webpage Project
Why do you think a Web presence (site) is an "essential" for businesses of all sizes?
Web presence (site) explains or identifies what the business does and all aspects of what the business is about. It tells the businesses story.
Websites allow people to access information on companies before buying products or ever even entering a store. A web presence (site) is important in all aspects
of businesses (such as marketing and sales) of all sizes. So no matter how small or big a company is, all companies should have a web presence (site).
Podcasting Project
Click here to listen to my podcast
Podcasting is wonderful. This project was my first experience using this technology but I think it is incredible. This technology allows you to talk about your business and let people know who you are whether you are a new business or and old one. It is just amazing that I did not realize this program was out there until taking this class.
I truly believe that no matter how big or small your organization or business is they definitely should take advantage of Podcasting. It is free and what could be better than that. A source of totally free marketing available on the internet for millions to see. Allowing you to speak about your business on whatever topic you wish. There is also no limit to the amount of podcast you can have on your website. All businesses and organizations should definitely take advantage of this incredible service.
Secure Email Project
In doing the Secure Email Project, I have realized how important this is in the business environment. Email in itself is such an important part of all businesses today. With the increase in privacy of customer information and confidentialty practices it makes secure emailing even more important. Allowing messages to be sent within organizations and outside of them in which keys have to be used to decrypt messages.
Secure emailing is a great means of security and privacy with email. A third-party issing a certificate that identifies the person and keys are generated at the same time. This allows a digitally signed email to be sent. Then an encrypted mesage can also be sent which is encoded with a key and this email is unreadable unless someone has the private key to decrypt it.
Secure emailing creates a high tech security feature with emailing. In today's society with all the identity theft going on, you can never be to careful with a person's private information. Businesses dealing with customers accounts, social security numbers, and any type of private information should definitely make utilization of secure emailing when communicating with someone about private information.
Collaborative Computing Project
When I first started the Collaborative Computing Project, I was unsure of how our project was going to come together working in groups. As time has gone by I have truly come to understand what collaborative computing is all about, teamwork. If everyone is not working together, your project will either not be complete or you will have only a few people do all the work.
Collaborative computing requires that everyone work diligently and aggressively until the job is done. There will always be some in your group that will be more aggressive and pull more weight. Don't let slackers slow you down. In the end, you will be rewarded for your work in the project.
Sharepoint has enabled our teammates to work together to get our project complete from start to finish. Sharepoint is very user friendly. I felt very comfortable using Sharepoint all throughout the project. This program is very straightforward to use. In my opinion, one of the best for collaborative computing.
In closing, the Collaborative Computing Project has been a very interesting and fun project. It was great to use creativity to create an advertisement in publisher. Hands on projects are a great way for individuals to express themselves.
Excel 2003/2007 Skills
Excel is a wonderful program. I had no idea until after completing this project what an incredible tool this was in creating advanced spreadsheets. I was aware that Excel could do sums on columns and rows, etc. I learned a lot about all of the functions this program is capable of. I feel this was probably the most valuable tool I have learned in this project that will help me in my career.
Microsoft Access Skills
This was the first time I had ever worked in Microsoft Access. It is really a lot like Microsoft Excel with the spreadsheet capabilities it has. It is a very useful and user friendly program.
The ability to pull certain information out of a spreadsheet to make queries will be a very useful source in my career. Just to be able to tell the program the information you need, and it pull it out for you without you having to search for it, is a great tool. No matter where I go to work, I know that this skill will always be something that is useful.
The report skill learned was also very helpful. I was amazed at the reports that Access can prepare for you. This will be something that I also will use no matter in what job I have in the future. Microsoft Access is a great program. I was unsure of how to use until this project. I am really glad that it was part of the Computing Portfolio Project and I was able gain skills to use it.