Instructor:  Jace Stuckey
Office Hours: TBA
Office: Keene-Flint 9

Class meets T-4th, R 4th & 5th period in Flint 119

Course Description:   

This course is a survey of European history that begins with the end of the Roman Empire, moves through the medieval world and concludes in the early modern period.   However, since the course is a 3 hour survey it is impossible to cover everything.  The course offers a selection of representative topics drawn from a much larger possible list.  We will examine the evolution of  various forms of economic systems,  social structures, and religious movements.  The focus will be on Western Europe for the most part, but we will take quick glimpses at Eastern Europe and the Middle East.

Required texts:     Barbara Rosenwein; A Short History of the Middle Ages 2nd Edition 
                                 Alfred Andrea; The Medieval Record: Sources of Medieval History
                                 Niccolo Machiavelli; The Prince (Oxford World Classics)
                                 ** (All books available at Gator Texts) **       

Tests                      This class will have 200 possible points.  You will have 3 tests
                                worth 45 points

Quizzes:                There will be 4 unannounced quizzes worth 10 pts. each

Paper:                     A 2-3 page paper will account for the remaining 25 pts.

Make-up Policy:  There is no make-up for quizzes and make-up for exams
                                must be arranged with the instructor. 

Note:                       The above information is subject to written or verbal
                                 changes at the discretion of the Professor at any time
                                 during the semester.

Students w/ 
Disabilities:           Please schedule a conference with the Professor to make any
                                 special arrangements necessary to ensure success in this


Course Topics and Schedule

Week 1(1/10-1/12)

       The End of Roman Empire &
The Rise of Christianity
                    Read: Rosenwein 19-30, 30-49; Andrea 34-38

Week 2 (1/17-1/19)

         Byzantium & Islam
 Rosenwein 49-54, 59-75; Andrea 75-81; 87-94
Week 3 (1/24-1/26)

        Carolingian Europe
                    Read: Rosenwein 75-81, 111-128; Andrea 60-68
                               Agobard of  Lyons

Week 4 (1/31-2/2)

      Anglo-Saxon England & Feudalism
                     Read: Rosenwein 147-151, 156-160; Gildas
  Andrea 171

Week 5 (2/7-2/9)

      Test #1
      Social Orders, Social Classes, & The Rise of Cities
Read: Rosenwein 151, 171-177; Andrea 166-171

Week 6 (2/14-2/16)
        The Church, Monasticism, & Crusading 

Rosenwein 91-92, 177-184, 192-205, 239-245; Andrea 212-215, 216-224, 343-348

Wee 7 (2/21-2/23)

        Renaissance, Gothic, and the Rise of Secular States
                     Read: Rosenwein 188-192, 217-218, 223-238, 264-265, 270-275; Andrea 276-279
                                 Richer on Hugh Capet

                                 Magna Carta

Week 8 (2/28-3/2)

         Millennial Expectations: Plague, War & Death
                     Read: Rosenwein: 251-255, 279-286, 292-304; Andrea 379-385, 434-440

Week 9 (3/7-3/9)

       Medieval Culture: Science, Medicine, and Technology
                    Read: Andrea 422-426
       Test #2

Week 10 (3/14-3/16)

       Spring Break

Week 11 (3/21-3/23)

       Social Dissent, Heresy, & The Decline of the Medieval Church
                  Read: Rosenwein 265-268, 304-307; Andrea 428-431
                  The Cathar Gospel
Week 12 (3/28-3/30)

& Renaissance
                  Read: Rosenwein 273-278, 307-312; Andrea 449-453, 454-460

Week 13 (4/4-4/6)
        Reformation & Counter-Reformation
                  Read: Luther's 95 Theses
                             Act of Supremacy
                             Ignatius, Spiritual Exercises 

Week 14 (4/11-4/13)

       Wars of Religion

                   Read: St. Bartholomew Day's Massacre

Week 15 (4/18-4/20)

      Science & Absolutism   
                   Read: Copernicus, On the Revolutions of Heavenly Bodies

Week 16 (4/25)

       TEST # 3