On Iraq Being a student at UF, I am frequently subjected to a very liberal mindset. They say that we shouldn't rush into a war with Iraq, that we should put in more inspectors and give Saddam a second chance to disarm. They say that was are rushing in and not looking into alternatives to war, and if we do go to war, we should only do so with the support of the UN, which means the support of France, Belgium, Germany, Russia, and China, which at present (2/12/03) are opposed to the United States attacking Iraq. Why haven't we already attacked Iraq? Liberals say we are rushing into this, but I ask, what is taking so long? We aren't rushing into a war, the war is being delayed more and more. Thank God we actually have a president who is willing to pursue this against popular opinion. We have given the UN inspectors three months. There has been so much time spent already discussing the Iraqi situation. Even though this may start to sound cliché, it is up to Saddam to show us that he has disarmed, not for us to find his WMD. He has been playing hide the chemical warhead ever since a few days before we came. Powell presented overwhelming evidence why we should invade, such as trucks being loaded at his weapon manufacturing facilities, denial of U2 flights to assist inspectors, etc. He has had no explanation for this except the endless rhetoric of "America wants our oil", over and over and over. Bin Laden recently asked Iraq to attack the United States. Such action would without a doubt bring on the destruction of the Iraqi government within a few days, but that just shows the linkage between Saddam and Bin Laden. Saddam also gives money to the families of suicide bombers that blow themselves up in Israel. When liberals say Iraq has no ties to terrorism, please, tell me why suicide bombers are not terrorists. Saddam is clearly supporting terrorism. And is not what the whole thing the US is doing called "The War on Terrorism"?
For humanitarian reasons, it would be good for us to invade Iraq. Yes, liberals would hate that comment. But it is true. They say there will be loss of American life, that may be true, but I very much hope that there will be no American loses. Such a goal is achievable given the current state of military technology. However, many organizations plead: "Lift the sanctions on Iraq! You're starving their people." However, Saddam is doing more harm to his people than we ever could. First, if he didn't pursue WMD, assist terrorists, and attack other nations, there would not be sanctions. Second, if we invade Iraq, we would set up a just government. With that in place the sanctions will be lifted. Iraqis will not suffer from a severe lack of food or chemical weapons used on them by a madman. It is in the best interests of the Iraqi people that we eliminate their present government. On France France used to be one of my favorite nations. They were a good and very interesting country from it's formation to the French Revolution, with the the reign of King Louis XIV being what I consider the most glorious time for France. But after the French Revolution, they seemed to lose a bit of common sense. In both World War I & II, they seemed to of lost the ability to decide when to take decisive action to prevent a major war, even if that means making a preliminary strike. This is especially true in World War II, when they constantly agreed to appease Hitler's demands. France was so incredibly unprepared for his attack on them that they fell in less than two weeks. A first world nation. Two weeks. It seems France was totally oblivious to the idea that Germany may be dangerous. They thought that putting up a Ligne Maginot would protect them from an invasion, we all know that this was of great benefit to the French. Why don't we just put up one around Iraq? I'm sure that will prevent him from launching nukes at Israel. It seems to me that it is the exact same situation in Iraq. France does not realize the threat that Iraq poses to the free peoples of Earth. We had to come in and bail them out in the World Wars, so are we doing with the next war with Iraq. "By the blood of our people are your lands kept free." Even though this quote is from the Lord of the Rings, it seems very much to apply to our relationship with France. France also has a motive to prevent war with Iraq other than humanitarian and the reasons they have stated. France recently signed a billion dollar trade agreement with Iraq for them to get more oil. If we invade Iraq and set up a government friendly to us, France's oil agreement may be nullified. France says Bush wants to invade because he wants Iraq's oil. I think France wants to prevent an invasion so they can keep the oil to themselves.
France also has said that they will not protect Turkey during our invasion. This is pretty much due to the fact that they do not want us to invade, they are trying to rub it in. I think it would be just if we protected Turkey instead of France when we invade. On that idea, why don't we declare France unable to protect itself (as seen in WWI and WWII) and we send troops to Paris during the invasion of Iraq? We could say it's for their own protection (See First Rule of Muslim Warfare below). They will despise it. It's only poetic justice. heh heh. On that note, the feelings in France really shouldn't concern us. They are an ally but frankly, irrelevant to the decision whether or not we go to war with Iraq. France can scream all they want how much we shouldn't invade. But what can they do about it? They are not going to attack us, they are not going to stop trade with us. The only thing they will do is be snobby to Americans, like that wasn't already the case. And While We're making fun of France....... The Complete Military History of
France (the following submitted by David -
edited and revised by myself, original author unknown) |