:: 100 Things About Me ::                         



1. I am a 24 year old, 6'3", college student at the University of Florida, majoring in Nuclear Engineering. I graduate in December 2006.  Sadly I have not gotten any taller since 9th grade, when I hit 6'3".

2. I can either be a day person or a night person. It takes me about three days if I want to switch.

3. I have difficulty sleeping when wearing socks. They make me feel hot.

4. I wear my watch all the time. I wear it when I am at school, when I am running, and when I am in bed. I never take it off.

5. I cannot stand ads in programs on my computer, and will go to great lengths to find programs that can hack those programs to remove the ads.

6. I like food from all around the world except for India.

7. My favorite type of food is Chinese (followed by Mexican and Norwegian).

8. I like to eat all types of sushi.

9. I have only been to one nation outside the United States and that nation is Ireland.

10. I hate wasting space on CD-R's and will fill up that space with programs or mp3's or movie files just to fill it up.

11. I spent the summer of 2004 in Baton Rouge doing an internship at a nuclear power plant in St. Francisville.

12. I am a strong supporter of nuclear power and I hate the fact that it has become a political issue.

13. I have not updated my website since 2004 with the sole exception being my blog.

14. When confronted with buying the same movie on DVD, but one has special features and the other does not, I will always buy the one with special features, even if it means I have to wait several months (even years with LOTR).

15. My favorite number is 7. This is due to Florida Football between 1992 and 1996. My favorite number was 2 when I was little.

16. I moved from Palm Beach to Orlando when I was two. The oldest memory I have is of a col-de-sac in Palm Beach and some type of fruit bearing tree. There was some type of a party at a house on the col-de-sac.

17. The first real food I ate was a strawberry.

18. I tried out to be Goofy at Disney, but didn't make the dance cuts, so I became a Jungle Cruise Skipper at Magic Kingdom. It is now hard for me to recite my 10 minute speech, but I can remember many parts. "Anyone want to trade with Cheif Nambe? Today he's offering a special two of his heads for one of yours, any takers? [Does auctioneer thing, few people actually volunteer] C'mon, any way you look at it, you'll come out a-head."

19. I ran track in high school and had a 59.2 second 400 meter.

20. Playing a sport for UF is near impossible, since high school I run much slower.

21. I don't like having hard copies of information. I prefer digital much more as I am much less likely to lose it.

22. I have 3 friends that I met online, only one I have met. Of the ones I have not met, one goes to UCF, the other goes to UF.

23. I like Star Trek, Warcraft, Family Guy, Knights of the Old Republic, the Simpsons, Command & Conquer, Lord of the Rings, Anime, and Harry Potter. Who loves a nerd?

24. I obsess over having the most recent version of everything on my computer.

25. In high school I had a really cool signature. In college the classes used to be so huge I had to write my name more clearly and the quality of my signature has been greatly reduced.

26. I use FrontPage for maintaining my webpage, but I tried switching to Dreamweaver. I like Dreamweaver MX better than FrontPage 2002, but I like FrontPage 2003 more than Dreamweaver MX.

27. Everything that can be done in html I have found a way to do with FrontPage, but that usually requires manually inserted html, which I use often.

28. I don't believe in horoscopes.

29. The first words I could read were "Hess" after the gas station. One of my relatives bought me a mini Hess Truck for Christmas.

30. I see no problem with downloading music and videos for free off the internet. However, this does not necessarily mean I do it. My reasoning is that it is exactly like copying a movie off of your TV. Your internet service provider grants you access to the internet just like you cable company grants you access to many networks. You can copy information off the television networks for free, so why not information off the internet?

31. I don't watch sitcoms. I think they are pointless.

32. I played in the 2000 St. Patrick's day parade in Dublin, Ireland when I was a junior in high school. We spend a week traveling from the western coast of Ireland before we arrived in Dublin.

33. I don't see why people don't eat more sheep legs. Isn't it cool to have this huge leg for dinner? It's like King Henry.

34. I wanted to be a pilot when I was a little kid. After growing up I realized it's not practical and I would be much better off in engineering, it's one of the best fields to raise a family and make good money.

35. I am a Republican and have never missed voting in an election. I have voted for Democrats on occasion though. I think the best Presidents were Washington, Lincoln, and Reagan.

36. I used to be able to run 10 miles a day, 5 days a week when I ran to Allison Kreiger's house and back when I was training for cross country. I got a stress fracture in my fibula and was on crutches for two weeks. Now I can barely run a mile.

37. I can tell the what episode of The Next Generation and Family Guy is on just by watching a minute of it. I don't know how useful that is, but I wish it wasn't true so I could enjoy them more.

38.  I no longer go to Toyota of Orlando because of crappy service, instead I go to Central Florida Toyota, which has incredible service and a much friendlier atmosphere with free food.

39. I drive a '96 Toyota Avalon XLS. Incredible reliable car.

40. I rarely watch TV.

41. I like Coke better than Pepsi.

42. I have no living grandparents.

43. I like to grill things, esp. chicken.

44. I use a radar detector while driving. It is like a warm blanket protecting you.

45. I respect cops that go after murderers, robbers, and rapists, but have little respect for traffic cops.

46. I like board games, esp. Risk and Monopoly.

47. I know the story behind the number 47's involvement in Star Trek.

48. I got a INTJ on the Myers Briggs. They call that "mastermind". I was close all the other categories though but "T" (in other words almost ESTP)

49. I believe global warming is a natural phenomenon. I have yet to hear someone explain why it was much warmer in the 1400's even though they did not have automobiles and factories.

50. I sometimes become aware that I am dreaming when I am asleep.

51. I started school at age two. It was something called "Co-op". I remember the grade levels were distinguished by different colored birds.

52. I have dreamt that I was in a fantasy world that I have read about. Some days I really wish I was in that world.

53. At UF, I am the representative for the American Nuclear Society in the Benton Engineering Council, a member of the Inter-Residential Housing Association, and Vice-President of the Keys Governing Body.

54. I have no problem with the relationship between science and religion. I do not think that religion has to be separate from science in order for it to work.

55. i used to think that if I could live in any time period, I would pick the middle ages. However, after all the hurricanes coming through Florida I have realized a world without electricity sucks.

56. I like video games. My current favorite video game is Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, but I am sure once World of Warcraft is released in Npv 2004 that will be my favorite game. (Update: World of Warcraft has been released and I am addicted)

57. Most people know many more Hollywood stars than me, but I can list almost all the US presidents and what they did. I usually do not care about whatever Hollywood does or who does it.

58. My favorite author is J. R. R. Tolkien.

59. I liked high school more than college and college more than middle/grade school. I attended catholic high school and middle/grade school.

60. I think wearing sandals with socks is strange. I associate it with hippies.

61. I think it would be cool to have one of those home's of tomorrow that they were raving about in the 50's. I wish Disney's Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow really was what he intended it to be.

62. My favorite Disney theme park is Epcot, followed by Magic Kingdom, and then MGM Studios. I think Animal Kingdom is way too big, boring, and lacking the Disney "magic".

63. I took 2 years of French in high school. The only time it was actually useful to me was in JFK Airport. An attendant wanted me to tell a woman from Paris where her luggage was.

64. The first DVD I bought was "The Matrix".

65. I am sorry for having Java Script on my main page, I bet it caused you some delay time.

66. I know how to SCRAM a nuclear reactor. It's actually quite easy since so many features lead to auto-SCRAM's. A SCRAM is when all the control rods are inserted into a reactor and resulting in shutting it down.

67. I want to get a .com address someday.

68. My favorite sushi restaurant is an all you can eat sushi only restaurant near Pier 66 in Ft. Lauderdale. I have only been there twice.

69. I am 6'3" but I wish I was even taller.

70. I have been to every "Southern State" but Kentucky. I can see myself living anywhere in the eastern United States later on in my life. I really don't care where on the east coast of the US, as long as I am either near the Atlantic or the Gulf of Mexico.

71. My hair went from bright blond to a very dirty blonde almost brown now that I am no longer a kid.

72. I have never smoked and never will. As a nuclear engineering student I feel it is my duty to explain what happens when you smoke. Alpha particles are normally harmless and can be blocked by something as thin as paper. However, when you smoke, alpha particles are inhaled and left in your lungs. From here serious damage is caused, which leads to cancer.

73. I sleep naked and I can't sleep without a heavy blanket or comforter.

74. I generally eat all of one food on my plate before starting more.

75. I don't give a crap about spelling and grammar except in places where it matters. I care about the logical flow of ideas, mathematical support, and evidence.

76. I would enjoy living in Orlando, Miami, Washington DC, Austin, and costal New England.

77. I use some shareware without paying for it, and have looked up serial numbers online to gain full access. More recently I've just purchased software I really like.

78. I'm sure I would be happy if I just had More Things. I wish I were independently wealthy!

79. I'm terrible at bowling, but I enjoy it anyway. I don’t go to get a high score, I go to be goofy and have fun.

80. I think school uniforms may not be a bad idea, but wearing school IDs around your neck is one step too far.

81. I helped retarded children in high school through Peer Ministry.

82. I think nerd conventions like MegaCon (Star Trek, Comics, and Anime) are fun.

83. In college I was part of the Keys Governing Body, Benton Engineering Council, American Nuclear Society, and the College Republicans.

84. I like my peanut butter extra crunchy.

85. I like both light and dark chicken meat.

86. I'd like to design a nuclear space propulsion system that can take us to Mars someday. I'd also like to go to Mars, but I am sure that will never happen.

87. I am good at math, but I consider myself average at science. I have to work hard to get good grades, and often my grades don't turn out so good, but in engineering, C's are common. My favorite subject has always been History. I did not become a history major because it is practically useless.

88. I want to become a SCUBA diver

89. I want to marry someone who can challenge me.

90. I was read to as a child. One of the few stories I remember was Arabian Nights (the real story of the lamp, not Disney).

91. I’m a "left brain" person… analytical, and not very good at English.

92. I am good with my hands and working in small places.

93. My right hand and bicep are slightly thicker than my left.

94. I have broken two appendages. A finger when I was at Disney when I was about 5 years old and my fibula when I was training for cross country by running over to one of my best friend's house, who is actually Miss Florida right now and is going to be competing for Miss America is January 2007.

95. I've been working on these 100 things on an off for over a year.

96. I've played on a baseball team, a basketball team, a soccer team, and a track team. I never made cross country because of my broken fibula.

97. I got a 1270 SAT. I did not care to try to get any higher because its all that was needed for the 100% Bright Future's Scholarship at UF.

98. My UF vs UCF page amuses me.

99. I have had 3 jobs so far: Jungle Cruise Skipper at Disney, Reactor Engineering Intern at Entergy Corp, and a Residence Hall Assistant (RA) at UF. The Reactor Engineering Intern I found most enjoyable. The RA job was the most pointless, and Disney was the most rewarding (I truly learned the value of money and the hard work it takes to earn it)

100. I am happy to of finally finished. I'll probably change a few in the future as time passes.