Veun Sai - Siem Pang Conservation Area (VSSPCA)

Straddling the states of Ratanakiri and Steung Treng, Cambodia, the VSSPCA is 55,000 ha of evergreen and semi-evergreen Indo-Burmese tropical forest. The area is managed by Conservation International and the Cambodian Forestry Administration. This site has several vulnerable and endangered species, including dhole (Cuon alpinus), clouded leopard (Neofelis nebulosa), giant ibis (Pseudibis gigantea) and sun bear (Helartcos malayanus).

Red shanked doucs are common throughout the site

Photo copyright Ben Rawson


Red-shanked doucs

Preliminary assessments indicate that VSSPCA has healthy populations of red-shanked doucs (Pygathix nemaeus). Without any real hunting pressure on them, this site may be a global conservation priority for this endangered species.

Dr. Alison Behie is leading a study on red-shanked doucs. She is looking at the behavioral ecology, focusing specifically habitat use and diet.

She also runs a field school to the site every January.

Northern buff-cheeked crested gibbons

This newly described species, Nomascus annamensis,has been studied for four years at the site. The research focus as been general behavior and ecology. VSSPCA has the highest density worldwide for this species and for this genus, making it a conservation priority.

Camera trap photos taken in the site, clockwise from left: malayan sun bear, dhole, and giant ibis. Photos copyright Conservation International

Doucs eating soil (geophagy). Want to learn more about this interesting behavior? Check out this cool paper by Ben Rawson!

Photo copyright Conservation International

Wanna see these gibbons in person?

We have a great Community Based Ecotourism program in VSSPCA. You can experience the gibbons in their natural habitat while supporting local indigenous minority communities. Learn more

The morning song. Just about every morning around sunrise gibbons begin singing. The males begin and sing the most but the females and juveniles sing as well. The song on average lasts a little over 12 minutes. They usually only sing once a day.


Iridescent skink, Lygosoma veunsaiensis. New species to science discovered at VSSPCA, more info here.

© Gabor Csorba, Hungarian Natural History Museum

New Forest LIzard, Calotes bachae. Just described from Vietnam, but confirmed to be here! More info here.

Walston’s tube-nosed bat, Murina walstoni. New species to science, discovered here, check it out.