This is a quotaion taken from Douglas Coupland's latest book, Microserfs. Douglas Coupland is a brilliant American writer who writes about youths and young adults and the world they live in. Malls, trade marks and the mythological year 1974 (when the purchasing power of the average American, according to Coupland, stopped increasing) plays important roles in his books. The excerpt below has been translated back to English by me, and is hence messed up beyond all recognition. Do you now where I can find the original "version", please mail me!
"We live at the end of the authentical era."
(To an article on Microserfs published in Svenska Dagbladet.
An earlier short story version of the novel was published in Wired.
There is also an unofficial Coupland homepage and
an official homepage at the obvious and impressive location
To the index of1997.