Bou Said is a small village on the side of a mountain, located near
Tunis/Carthage. We went there on
my first afternoon of the trip. A
number of artists have lived there,
including Paul Klee, who reportedly was highly inspired by the colors
and light in Tunisia. (Here¹s a
link to the Met if you¹re interested: Anyway, the village is really striking,
and it¹s easy to see why artists would be inspired. I, personally, was inspired
to take about 60 pictures of this village. Here are some samples:
me, & Christine in a café
having mint tea
in front of a beautiful
Me & Ferris
in front of yet another door
A view of the
Slim & Jess
after dinner the first night: We ate at a restaurant situated at the foot of
the hill/mountain(?) on which Sidi Bou Said was located.
Medina (a maze of shops and old homes in downtown Tunis)
roof of an antique store
in the medina – the store has really great antiques inside. They offered to let us view the city
from the roof, and I loved the beautiful tiling on the roof. Decoration with tiles was really common
there – it made everything really bright and beautiful.