The Representation of Women in Spanish and Latin American Literature



This is a great website which depicts the medieval woman in Spain as well as the feminine presence in medieval literature. The site also gives some examples of women writers of the time.

Images and Voices: A Look at the Medieval Woman( Spanish)


This is a timeline of the events in this mystic’s life. The unusual events in this woman’ s experience shaped her irreplaceable contribution to Hispanic literature.

Medieval- Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz Timeline (English)


This site holds a copy of one of Sor Juana’s most revolutionary poems. Foolish men who accuse is one of her most bold and daring pieces, as well as one of the first feminist poems written in Hispanic literature.

Hombres necios que acusais (Spanish)


Foolish men who accuse(English)


This site highlights the roles of women in Hispanic-American children’s literature. It also brings to light some of the most prominent authors in the genre.

El protagonismo femenino en la literatura juvenil hispanoamericana (Spanish)

Female Protagonists in Hispanic-American Children’s Literature (English)


This is a great attempt to summarize the influence that women have had in the writing and actual text of Latin American literature, a great feat. It is the summary of an academic lecture given at the Academy for Brazilian studies in 1996.

Women in Latin American Literature (Spanish)



This site gives an insight into this writer’s biography, the feminist aspects in her literature, and a symbolic synopsis of what is, perhaps, her most famous novel. She is one of the greatest and most prestigious Hispanic writers living among us today.

Isabel Allende and The House of Spirits (English)


This site offers a summary of the break up of literary time periods of Spain. It also gives the movements inside of each period and some exemplary authors of each movement.

Cuadro sinóptico de épocas literarias de la literatura española (Spanish)

Synoptic timeline on the literary eras of Spanish literature (English)


This web site allows you to link to information on many important Spanish women writers of the modern era. The site itself is a little confusing, but it has compiled a good list of authors.

19th and 20th Century Women Writers of Spain (English)


This site provides the actual text of the response Mr. Love has when asked what the ideal woman should be like. The Book of Good Love incorporates an array of different women with different attitudes towards the society in which it was written, The Middle Ages.

The ideal woman according to Don Amor ( Mr. Love) (Spanish)


This site offers an electronic version of a paper that discusses the roles of women on drama in the Spanish literary period known as “el Siglo de Oro”, or the Century of Gold.

Women and Drama in the “Siglo de Oro” or 17th Century (Spanish)


This site has a paper which discusses the role of women in the patriarchal society that is the context of this piece. The ideal woman, as is usual, is submissive in the 19th century.

Don Juan Tenorio de José Zorrilla: De la jaula a la red en un mundo patriarcal (Spanish)


Don Juan Tenorio by José Zorrilla: From the cage to the net in a patriarchal society ( English)



