Drs Machi & Seagusa-Beecroft introduce Drs
Stein & Nanbu Medical Center, Okinawa,
presenter Dr Abe. |
Dr Abe presents patient's present history as
acute transfer from small island for vital signs
instability, fever, conscious disturbance,
vomiting, & gram - rod bacteremia |
Dr Abe presents patient's past medical history
of rheumatic heart disease with aortic &
mitral valves prosthetic valve replacements,
atrial fibrallation, & chronic HBV |
Dr Abe presents patient's summary of fever,
vomitring, conscious disturbance, gram - rod
bacteremia, & bilateral chest exam of
dullness to percussion & crackles |
Dr Tsusu shares her worksheet of important
history & exam data, grouping and excellent
differential diagnosis of Sepsis, pneumonia,
infective endocarditis, & acute kidney
injury |
Dr Abe presents patient's very complete and
accurate assessment & plans of the small
island hospital pre- transfer to the mailn
island hospital |
Dr Abe presents patient's very complete and
accurate assessment & plans of the main
island hospital post- transfer demonstrating
clear cl;inical reasoning & thinking |
Dr Abe presents patient's ECG showing visible
and invisible flutter waves of atrial flutter |
Dr Abe presents patient's TEE showing prosthetic
mitral valve vegetation,; CT showing iliopsoas
abscess & cerebral infarcts from
Edwardsiella tarta prosthetic valve infective
endocarditis |
Dr Abe presents patient's clinical course
showing Edwardsiella tarta + blood cultures,
fever, antibiotics, leading to surgical
prosthetic aortic & mitral valves
replacements |
Dr Stein discusses his page 2 worksheet of
important data & differential diagnosis with
plans. Drs Saito & Tsusu ask and discuss
patient's course and diagnosis with Dr Abe |
Dr Stein demonstrates use of AI/ChatGPT,
emphasing need to ask questions & respond to
answers with further questions, checking the
answres for accuracy with ChatGPT robot |
Dr Stein explains the importance of GIM chief,
Tokyo Bay Medical Center, Dr Ehaha's studies of
early warning scores for alerting clinicians to
dangerous patient changes |