Nanbu Medical Center / JrSr-Hawaii Medical Education Program
Clinical Reasoning PBL Workshop
Gerald Stein, MD, FACP
  January 18, 2025

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HMEP (2/21/2021), Shizuoka Medical Center (06/21/2021), Tokyo Bay Medical Center (11/19/2021)
Shizuoka Medical Center (02/04/2022), Tokyo Bay Medical Center (06/17/2022), Tokyo Bay Medical Center (09/09/2022),
Shizuoka Medical Center(01/13/202), Tokyo Bay Medical Center(04/28/2023),
Shizuoka Medical Center(07/28/2023),  Tokyo Bay MedicalCenter (10/11/2023)
Tokyo Kita Medical center(01/26/2024, Metropolitan Hiroo Hospital(04/12/2024,
Tokyo Bay Medical Center(07/12/2024), Tokyo Bay Medical Center(10/18/2024), Nanbu Medical Center(01/18/2025)

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Nanbu Medical Center/JrSr Hawaii Medical Education Program 2025_01_18

1group 2presentillness 3pasthistory 4summary
Drs Machi & Seagusa-Beecroft introduce Drs Stein & Nanbu Medical Center, Okinawa, presenter Dr Abe.
Dr Abe presents patient's present history as acute transfer from small island for vital signs instability, fever, conscious disturbance, vomiting, & gram - rod bacteremia
Dr Abe presents patient's past medical history of rheumatic heart disease with aortic & mitral valves prosthetic valve replacements, atrial fibrallation, & chronic HBV
Dr Abe presents patient's summary of fever, vomitring, conscious disturbance, gram - rod bacteremia, & bilateral chest exam of dullness to percussion & crackles
5drtsusuworksheet 6drabeproblemlistplans 7drabeproblemlistplans2 8ecf_atrialflutter
Dr Tsusu shares her worksheet of important history & exam data, grouping and excellent differential diagnosis of Sepsis, pneumonia, infective endocarditis, & acute kidney injury
Dr Abe presents patient's very complete and accurate assessment & plans of the small island hospital pre- transfer to the mailn island hospital
Dr Abe presents patient's very complete and accurate assessment & plans of the main island hospital post- transfer demonstrating clear cl;inical reasoning & thinking
Dr Abe presents patient's ECG showing visible and invisible flutter waves of atrial flutter
9imagestee_ct_mri 10clinicalcourse 11drsteinworksheet 12drsteinchatgpt
Dr Abe presents patient's TEE showing prosthetic mitral valve vegetation,; CT showing iliopsoas abscess & cerebral infarcts from Edwardsiella tarta prosthetic valve infective endocarditis
Dr Abe presents patient's clinical course showing Edwardsiella tarta + blood cultures, fever, antibiotics, leading to surgical prosthetic aortic & mitral valves replacements
Dr Stein discusses his page 2 worksheet of important data & differential diagnosis with plans. Drs Saito & Tsusu ask and discuss patient's course and diagnosis with Dr Abe
Dr Stein demonstrates use of AI/ChatGPT, emphasing need to ask questions & respond to answers with further questions, checking the answres for accuracy with ChatGPT robot
Dr Stein explains the importance of GIM chief, Tokyo Bay Medical Center, Dr Ehaha's studies of early warning scores for alerting clinicians to dangerous patient changes