Gerald Stein, MD, FACP

American College of Physicians - Japan Chapter

International Exchange Program Committee ( IEPC) Seminar

A clinical reasoning workshop using PBL (Problem Based Learning)

Video conference 2024/02/25

American College of Physicians-Japan Chapter - Home Page


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ACP-Japan Chapter 2024-02-25

0acp_jc2024_02_25 1hpi 2hpi2 3neuro1
Announcement for the ACP-Japan Chapter International Exchange Planning Committee Workshop
Dr Tomite introduces his patient's medical history of headache and fever
Dr Tomite introduces his patient's medical history of headache and fever, suspicious for meningitis. Antibiotics given!
Dr Tomite shows patient's neurologic examination positive for nuchal rigidity and Jolt accentuation test
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Audience member Dr. Tsusu discusses her worksheet of important data and grouping with early diagnosis
Audience member Dr. Tsusu discusses her worksheet of iinitial diagnosis-assessment and plan of studies and treatment
Audience members Hirosue & Tamato Sensei discusses their worksheet important data & grouping early diagnosis
Audience members Hirosue & Tamato Sensei discusses their worksheet initial diagnosis, plan of studies, and treatment
8lablpfluid 9assessmentplan 10aday7suddenchanges 10neuroday7
Dr Tomite shows patient's lumbar puncture abnormal fluid results, consistent with aseptic meningitis
Dr Tomite show his assessment and plan for his aseptic meningitis patient
Dr. Tomite explains the sudden patient's changes on hospital day 7: diplopia, urinary retention and paraparesis
Dr. Tomite sudden patient's changes of paraparesis and continued jolt accentuation positive
11drtsusuthinking 12drshirosuetamoto 13day7differentia_diagnosis 14day9differentia_diagnosis
Dr. Tsusu is thinking about patient's sudden clinical.worsening: acute cauda equina syndrome
Hirosue & Tamato Sensei discusses the patient's sudden clinical changes.Tamoto Senei consults and reads to find answers
13Day7Differentia Diagnosis.png
Dr Tomite makes complete list of possible differential diagnosis to explain patient's sudden clinical worsening
14Day9Differentia Diagnosis.png
Dr Tomite narrows his list of differential diagnosis to caude equina syndrome and lumbar radiculitis-Elsberg syndrome
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Dr. Tomite shows the graphic chart of the patient's hospital course.
Dr. Stein gives lecture showing chart of cerebral spinal fluid abnormalities with differential diagnosis
Dr Stein shows features of Elsberg and meningitis retentiin syndromes with added patient's overlaping features
Drs. Tsutsumi & Stein thank Dr Tomite for his presentation and the audience for their participation at end of workshop