Dreamweaver Tutorial

Before you begin, open up the web version of my Dreamweaver Lesson for reverence.

UF's College of Education also has helpful Dreamweaver pages that include SCREEN SHOTS, so you can see where you are supposed to be going

Follow these steps to create your first Dreameaver Page! I'll be looking for the things I asked for when grading.

  1. Create your master folder (yourfullnameinlowercase), images folder (images), pages folder (pages), and work folder (work).
  2. Open up Dreamweaver.
  3. Close every window except the properties toolbar.
  4. Modify the PAGE PROPERTIES from the top menu bar. Select a background color you like. Select a text color you like.
  5. Optional: select link colors you like on the PAGE PROPERTIES PAGE.
  6. Create a TITLE in the TITLE BOX. This is whatever your page will be about.
  7. Create a HEADER by inserting a table and TYPING a HEADER that matches your TITLE.
  8. Save your work in your master folder as home.html
  9. Create a BODY TABLE. Your table should have 1 ROW, 2 COLUMNS, a WIDTH of 90%, and a BORDER of your choice.
  10. Insert text into one side of the table. Type at least 2 small paragraphs about your topic you chose.
  11. ALIGN your text in the TOP of the table vertically, and to the LEFT of the column.
  12. Do a GOOGLE SEARCH for a picture related to your topic.
  13. SAVE the picture in your images folder (you CANNOT link it from the page you found it on)
  14. INSERT your picture in the other column on your table.
  16. Create a LINK to an outside web site related to your topic. You may need to do another GOOGLE SEARCH.
  17. CReate a link with your email address. If you don't have one, use yourname@madeupaddress.com

***Anything else is up to you! Remember to save your work!
