Project Objective: Identify spatial characteristics through a series of physical constructions.

Project Description: Define + analyze each set of provided terms and begin to understand the significance of each. Interpret the words into physical constructions, taking into consideration the ideas of point, line, plane and mass. Create 2 separate spatial models, each 6" x 6" x 6", for each set of words listed below.

Set One

Set Two


Project Objective: To expand the explored systems of the 6”x 6”x 6” cube and further develop relationships of scale and space.

Project Description: Construct a 9”x 9”x 9” cube inserting the 6”x 6”x 6” cube TRANSFORMED into the new construction, relying on previous spatial concepts and positions.
In addition to the original materials of basswood, linear elements, and museum board, two more elements must be introduced into the transformed cube:

1. Folded Planar Mass: This should be made out of either basswood or museum board (not whiteboard), and should address at least one boundary of the 6” cube. The mass can cover, at most, half of one side of the new cube. It should mediate between the 6” cube and the spaces established by the new 9” boundary. The planar mass should be articulated to reinforce the spatial systems within the cube. This should not divide the spaces, but integrate them. It should be no thicker than ¾” at any point, and should not be uniform in thickness.

2. Constructed Plexi Element: This element must interact with the original 6“ cube, the expanded territory, and the folded planar mass. This will be constructed with two layers of 1/16” plexi and a system of 1/8” square plexi rods to form a constructed plane. Plexi must be treated to reinforce ideas explored in your model.

Expectations: Though the original cube is being “inserted” into the 9” cube, certain adjustments to the cube are required. Spatial ideas of the 6” cube must be refined and further developed to provide a strong basis for its transformation. Concepts of scale must be considered and adjusted appropriately to accommodate for the shift from the 6” boundary to the 9” cube.

