School of Natural Resources and the Environment                                            1629 NW 55th Blvd

P.O. Box 116455, 103 Black Hall                                                                        Gainesville, FL 32641

University of Florida                                                                                             US: (404) 993-5743

Gainesville, FL 32611                                                                                          Belize: (501) 607-5008




GPA = 4.0

     Concentration: Tropical Conservation and Development

     Thesis: Community perceptions of ecotourism impacts and conservation issues in rural

            Creole Belize: a case study of Crooked Tree Wildlife Sanctuary.

     Advisor: Dr. J. Richard Stepp




Professional Experience

           Supervise mailing of promotional materials to professional organizations.

Receive new manuscripts. Coordinate review, revise, and resubmit process. Occasionally

assist with copy-editing.


Conducted research in Crooked Tree, Belize in order to assess the impacts of ecotourism

on the community, the community’s perceptions of conservation and the wildlife sanctuary,

and the community’s relationship with sanctuary management, Belize Audubon Society. 

Independently designed, implemented, and found funding for research plan.  Returned research

results to Crooked Tree and other stakeholders during summer 2005.


Taught Introductory Biology labs for undergraduate students.  Responsible for presenting

introductory lab material, supervising dissections and other lab activities, creating weekly

quizzes, setting up and proctoring lab practicals, and grading lab reports.


Lived and worked in a rural village in the desert of East Morocco.  Assessed community needs

using the techniques of Participatory Rural Appraisal. Worked on an environmental education

curriculum for the community school and assisted the woman’s association with fundraising activities.


Fellowships and Grants Received


            Sustainability of community-based ecotourism in rural Creole Belize: a case study of Crooked

Tree Wildlife Sanctuary. 


Covered living expenses and other materials needed in order to return thesis research results to

Crooked Tree and the Belize Audubon Society. 


            The influence of social constructions of tourist places on protected areas management in Belize:

            a comparison of cruise tourism and ecotourism culture.


Papers Presented


Vancouver, B.C., March 28 – April 2, 2006

Conflict over conservation: a case study of Crooked Tree Wildlife Sanctuary in Belize


      Conference on Latin America, University of Texas, Austin, TX, February 10-12, 2005

      Community perceptions of ecotourism impacts and conservation issues in rural

      Creole Belize: a case study of Crooked Tree Wildlife Sanctuary


Professional Service

Organized fundraisers, administered student travel grants, helped organize community activities

such as river clean-ups, and sponsored the 4th Annual Distinguished Speakers Series featuring

Dr. Michael Soule.


Membership in Professional Organizations


Language Proficiency


Downloadable CV Files

Jenny B. Haddle CV PDF format

Jenny B. Haddle CV .doc format