Welcome to Jen's Page

Full Name (well almost): Jennifer Smith

Birthday: January 12, 1983

Family: Greg (dad), Sherry (mom), Stacy (sister), Ben(brother), Peppy(dog)

Major: Journalism/Magazines

Things I LOVE to do: Swim, Run, Read, Spend time with my family, Go to the beach, Shop

Favorite Book: Les Miserables

Favorite Music: R&B, Country

Favorite Links: Copy Kat, Fitness

Favorite Movie: Gone With The Wind

E-Mail Me!

One of my favorite things: My dog, Peppy.

Recently I went on a cruise to the Bahamas!

It was incredible!

The islands that we stopped at were so lovely and surreal.

Ryan (my boyfriend) and I getting ready for our long voyage out to sea.

Last Modified: June 15,2004