Probable-Possible, my black hen,
She lays eggs in the Relative When.
She doesn’t lay eggs in the Positive Now
Because she’s unable to Postulate How.
Frederick Winsor, The Space Child’s Mother Goose


Jane Anne Carey
     University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries
     Archivist Cataloger of 19th Century children’s literature


Positive Now 

Baldwin Library of Historical Children’s Literature


Postulate How

Adventures in HTML Land

Published articles
     Interlibrary Loan requests for locally held items

Static displays
     "I want to believe: Seeking solace through Science Fiction at the Movies"
          (Coming soon)
     "Ethnographic study of Medieval Celtic and Japanese cultures"

Trip reports
     Florida Library Association 2001 (Coming soon)
     American Library Association 2002 (Coming soon)


Interests (Coming soon)


Page created by Jane Anne Carey ( - 09-15-02
Last update - 10-24-03