We would like to thank all the persons and the families who so graciously assisted us in our research in the State of Yucatan.


In Particular we would like to thank our host families in Merida for their hospitality. We are grateful to you.

Quedamos agredecidos a Uds.


Familia Manzanero Rodriguez de Torres

Familia Mercader Espinosa

Familia Quintal Sosa

Familia Campos Suarez


We would like to extend a special thanks to our professor, Dr. Allan F. Burns without whom all this would not have been possible. We appreciate his expertise, patience, and resourcefulness.

We say to you, Dr. Burns, "Ma' alo, bix a beele' ex"



For further information on our project, Please send e-mail to our University of Florida group members as follows:


Ilvia L. Osceola M. Ed.


Eileen DeLuca M. S

Joseph Esrey


Megan Elliott


