Meet the Characters


Andy: Project Manager, Web Administrator, Computer Programmer i.e. the one who gets stuck doing everything. You see the office life and family life through his eyes. Always manages to find satire and sarcasm in any situation.

Fife aka Slackerman: Obsessive-Compulsive, Paranoid Hypochondriac. Also a Computer Programmer. Main interests are fishing and math. Disappears for hours at a time. Wanders the halls. Constantly worries about being fired. If he spent less time worrying about being fired and more time working, he wouldn't have to worry about being fired. Will not make the marriage mistake again.

Steven: Senior Computer Programmer. Work-aholic. Used to drink lots of Tab. They probably had to lay off several employees when he stopped drinking it. Rarely takes time off. When he does take time off, he either works from home or comes into the office after hours. Never been married. Update 2005: Retired now, but still doing the same job, only now as a consultant. Still working just as much as ever.

The Boss: Sees the large picture. Avoids the day to day conflicts among workers. Smart move on his part, hence the reason why he is the boss. Update 2005: Also now retired but still working as a consultant part-time. He understands the semi-retirement idea better than Steven.

Lana: Office Manager. Has many things going on in her personal life that work interferes with. Seems always in the midst of a crisis. Update 2004: Retired because work finally did interfere too much with her personal life.

Our Research Center Director: Has a PhD in Psychology. Speaks in thought patterns. Talks to himself in third person and by name. Takes hours to say what could be summed up in minutes. Likes to use large words and colorful descriptions that are undecipherable to most people.

June: Projects Coordinator: Loves to work. Will work day and night if possible. Makes sure Fife does his job. Sees complexity as challenging fun.

Lentz: Tech Support. Drinks 4 liters of Coke a day and almost as much coffee. A "the glass is always half empty" kind of guy. Gets irritated easily. Maybe should switch to decaf. Also a roller coaster fanatic.

B.J. : Retired Electrical Engineer, Now a Computer Programming Consultant (Don't ask me why.) Sees all the computer programming projects as little machines that need to be tinkered with and tweeked constantly. Brainstorms with June on how they can make computer programming projects so complex that only they know what the projects capabilities really are. Swaps hypochondriac stories with Fife.

Manny: Electrical Engineer/Computer Programmer Super Genius. Avoids most people as much as possible. (He may be on to something with this!)

Andy's FAMILY Life

Andy: Head of Household (Or so he believes.) Can't understand why his favorite TV shows get cancelled and his favorite restaurants go out of business. Is sort of lost now that he is not part of the cosumer demographic that advertisers are looking for. Thinks of pop-tarts as the 5th food group. Since having kids, has found out that he doesn't have time or money to pursue his interests or hobbies. Waiting for that Publisher's Clearing House Sweepstakes check any day now.

Carol: Andy's wife. She tolerates his satire, sarcasm, and cynicism very well. Stubborn like her first daughter.

Megan: Andy and Carol's first daughter. A child who has had non-stop energy since being born. Is a night owl and a late sleeper. Wakes up grumpy if she doesn't wake up on her own. Stubborn like her mother.

Erin: Andy and Carol's second daughter. A laid back child who wakes up happy and goes to bed early. Exact opposite of her sister. More like her father.

Sparky 1991-2004: Andy and Carol's first dog. Species: (Canine Barkalotis) Barked a lot. Hardly ever ate. Ended up snoring in your face in the middle of the night, which is better than what eminated from the other end sometimes. And he blamed that on Misty.Was deaf towards the end of his life, which was actually good because he could no longer hear those thunderstorms that scared him so much.

Misty 1993-2006: Andy and Carol's second dog. Species: (Canine Sleepsalotus) Slept most of the time. Ate everything in sight. Let out loud, short, gaseous emissions while jumping up on the couch or bed. Always was surprised when this happened. Was blind near the end due to onset of geriatric diabetes. Try having a blind insulin dependent dog!

Andy's Parents: Even though Andy describes himself as a "self-proclaimed orphan", his parents really do, in fact, exist.


Lola: Carol's Mom. Used to live with Andy and Carol part of the time. Then lived in an assisted living facility/nursing home. Had Alzheimers. Still had a sense of humor about it though, right up until her passing.