Rock Collection Video Script

I’ve had a really difficult time getting any of my audio to record.  I’ve tried several microphones and get nothing with Audigy…I’ll continue to work on this, but wanted the video posted so it can be reviewed early and not make more work for my professor at the end of the class.

Well, it’s the last week and I’m still not doing well on the audio.  I may have to just give in…I hate that, but, I’m just about out of time and still working to get all the CSS requirements into my pages.  Here is the script that goes with the video. 


  1. Title/Intro – Team Viking Rock Collection.  Into, Bark at the Moon(the most requested song for me to play when I have my guitar in the classroom for exploratory)
  2. The rock collection is something that many students complain about, but it’s really not that tough.  If you take a few hints and get started early, there’s nothing to it.  TMS is a good starting point.  A large number of students walk home after school.  When you leave the building, you’re moments away from easy sample collecting.  I know that there are busers, which I’ll help in later video.
  1. When most students leave school they head north out the main doors and pass this parking lot.  If you were to head toward the maintenance building, you’d see that there are many samples just waiting to be found and picked up.  Another option would be to ask your Advisory teacher for permission to use part of the fitness Friday outdoor session to go here.
  2. A closer look shows a gravel driveway.  Most gravel around here comes from glacial deposits and contains most of the samples you’ll need.  Of course they’re pretty dirty and will need to be cleaned and split to find a fresh surface, but this is an easy source.
  3. Another option, for walkers or for those who waste 3-4 hours after school hanging around on Fridays waiting for the football game to start, is to take the 5 minute walk from TMS to Drake Well.  Here is a great source for cleaner rocks and larger samples that you and your friends can split to make smaller samples. 
  4. Oil Creek is easy to access here AND they also have a gravel parking lot in the back.  Oil Creek is full of samples just waiting to be found.  They are a it bigger and will need to be split, but they are cleaner and easy to find.  Just be careful not to fall in.
  5. Here are some of the many samples to be found on the banks of Oil Creek.  EASY huh?
  6. A small set of about 5 samples that are required, found within seconds of arriving on the shore.
  7. Then there is the parking lot/driveway…more easy samples here!  Not much work finding samples so far.  Look at all those little samples.  A little cleaning and you're set to start your tests.
  8. CAUTION!!!  When you see this mainly grey color in a driveway, you’ll find few samples.  Most of this is made up of only one rock type.  Pick up a couple of samples to test later, but be careful here.  This is also found at Drake Well.  Now get out there and start this collection early.  Don’t be that little girl jumping for leaves in the rain.(there is a back story here that the kids will understand)
  9. Credits accompanied by Metallica's Master of Puppets(another frequently requested song)  It's a long song, so the 10% permitted under copyright guidlines isn't approached here)