Date: 10/08/09
Student Name: Hao (Hardy) He
TAs: Mike Pridgen
Thomas Vermeer
Instructors: Dr. A. Antonio Arroyo
Dr. Eric M. Schwartz
PORTD_OUT &= 0b11101011; // (B2,B1,A1,A2) = (0101), moving forward PORTF_DIR |= 0x01; // F0 as output, connected to motors' STBY (standby) PORTF_OUT |= 0x01; // disable STBY (H means not-standby) ServoD0(50); ServoD5(50); PORTA_DIR &= 0xFE; // A0 as input, connected to IR while(1) { temp = ADCA0(); lcdGoto(1,0); lcdString(" "); lcdGoto(1,0); lcdInt(temp); // show the IR number from ADC if (temp > 2000) { PORTQ_OUT = 1; // turn on LED if (flag==1) { PORTD_OUT |= 0b00001100; PORTD_OUT &= 0b11101101; // (B2,B1,A1,A2) = (0110), turn right flag = 0; } else { PORTD_OUT |= 0b00010010; PORTD_OUT &= 0b11110011; // (B2,B1,A1,A2) = (1001), turn left flag = 1; } } else { PORTQ_OUT = 0; } delay_ms(1000); PORTD_OUT |= 0b00001010; PORTD_OUT &= 0b11101011; // (B2,B1,A1,A2) = (0101), moving forward }Currently I am still using the paper platform. I hope I can finish the formal platform design (using SolidWorks) within a week.