What is Oceanography?

Study of the oceans

Beach to the deep sea

Covers ~70% of the earth’s surface

Requires an understanding of the atmosphere to the core of the earth

Oceans hold 97% of the water on the earth


Interdisciplinary Science:



The Oceans


The Oceans

History of Oceanography

History of Oceanography

Earliest voyages:

= voyages of discovery

History of Oceanography

Voyages of discovery:


Cook’s Expeditions

~1770- several trips

Killed in Hawaii 1779



History of Oceanography

Maury (US Navy) 1840’s


Charles Darwin and the HMS Beagle

Scientific Expeditions

First expedition devoted to marine science

= HMS Challenger (1872-1874) led by Charles Wyville Thomson

Charge- explore the "conditions of the deep sea throughout all of the great ocean basin"

HMS Challenger Expedition
1872 - 1876


- deepest = Mariana Trench

(8 km)

New Technology


Largely funded by the Office of Naval Research

Modern Scientific Questions

Modern Techniques


Glomar Challenger
Deep Sea Drilling Program

Alvin Deep Diving Submersible

Joides Resolution
Ocean Drilling Program