Ph.D. Candidate, Horticultural Sciences, University of Florida


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My research explores the in planta and ex planta factors that affect the soil adaptation and plant nutrition of blueberries and related species. Following are links to my peer-reviewed publications from this line of research.

Nunez, G. H., J. W. Olmstead, and R. L. Darnell. 2015. Rhizosphere acidification is not part of the strategy I iron deficiency response of Vaccinium arboreum and the southern highbush blueberry. HortScience. 50(7):1064-1069. >Full text

Additionally, I am also interested in how scientific literacy affects the public’s engagement with socio-scientific issues. Following are links to my peer-reviewed publications from this line of research.

Nunez, G. H., A. P. Kovaleski, B. Casamali, and R. L. Darnell. 2014. Formal education can affect students’ perception of organic produce. HortTechnology. 24(1):64-70. >Full text