1968 MGB

We purchased our 1968 MGB on June 7th, 2000, this is also my birthday. According to my wife the 'B is "ours", not mine. However, the B and I are both '68 models. Below are links to several pictures I have taken of the B. I plan to add information about the reconditioning and upkeep of the B as time passes.

Links to more pictures:

Front View Note the clouds reflecting on the bonnet.
Rear View  
Cockpit New radio installed. Converted wheel and shift knob to original.
Engine Note the new fuel line (first job) and the Lucus sport coil.
Speakers 6x9 speaker boxes with Sony Expolde speakers, cool!!!

$$$ Work Log $$$

Oct 15, 2000 - Fitted new speedo cable, no more bounce! $8.95 (I think) from BPC

Oct 7, 2000 - Added mechanical oil pressure gauge. Good to know what the pressure truly is. approx cost - $23.00 More information: Oil Pressure

Aug 1, 2000 - Replace coil with Lucas Sport Coil, pretty and gold! New plug too...

Monday, October 16, 2000