How to Make UF Feel Small

Sorority Recruitment & Involvement

When younger girls ask me if they should go through sorority recruitment at UF my answer is always yes. The University of Florida is massive (around 50,000 students, nbd). In order to make a huge university small my best advice is to try sorority rush. If you do decide to join a chapter you will immediately gain at least 100 new friends that have your back as you navigate a really important time in your life. I personally did not know anyone coming to UF so joining a sorority was the perfect way for me to make tons of genuine friendships that I still have my senior year.

Sorority and Fraternity Rush isn't for everyone. If you go through recruitment and feel that it isn't worth the commitment that is no problem, you can still make a large university smaller. Like I talked about in the previous post, I used to hang out with my friend at Windsor Hall all the time freshman year. Since I spent so much time there I began to develop friendships with the other people living at Windsor Hall. There are so many places to make friends in UF dorms like hanging out at the pool or pulling an all nighter in the study room. If you are worried about finding a small group of friends you should definitely look into the more social dorms like Windsor Hall, Broward Hall, Jennings Hall and Ivy House.

Another great way to make going to school with 50,000 other students feel more like your high school is to join student organizations on campus. I highly recommend looking into academic organizations within your field of study. Since I am in the business school I joined an organization called BUMP which provided me with a mentor. We became really great friends and she introduced me to her network of friends. Not to mention these organizations look great on a resume in the future! A few popular organizations on campus to join are FLC, Student Government, Preview Staff Dance Marathon and Cicerones. As a freshman it would definitely be worth your time to look into these clubs.


Things I Can Do

I've learned a few things in the past four years as a Marketing major at the University of Florida.

  • Scooter Pro
  • Pull an All-Nighter
  • Stadiums in the Swamp
  • Ace the Interview
  • Raise Money for Charity
  • Have Fun!