Records from the York County, South Carolina Court




January Court, 1788:


At a County Court held on the second Monday in January, 1788, and of the Independence of the United States of North America the twelfth [year]. Present: Francis Adams, David Leech and Thomas Gilham, Esquires, Justices [meaning: judges].


Lease and release from Andrew McNabb to William Barrow for 247 acres, formerly proven by Phillip Sandifer before Edward Lacey, Esquire and ordered to be recorded.


Deed of conveyance from James Stafford and wife and Dan Alexander to Joseph Wilson for 400 acres formerly proven by Gilbert Kennedy before Thomas Neel, Esquire, was ordered recorded.


Deed of conveyance from Alexander Harper to Robert Carson for a attract of land formerly proven by George Sadler before Edward Lacey, Esquire, was ordered to be recorded.


Deed of conveyance from Thomas Rainey and Ann, his wife, and Benjamin Phillips and Rachel, his wife, to William Barrow for 175 acres, formerly proven by Henry Good before Edward Lacey, Esquire, was ordered to be recorded.




Jury empanelled and sworn, [as follows]: Benjamin Cook, James Calley, Joseph Steel, Robert Patterson, John Mullenax, James Kelly, John Swann, John Darwin, Simeral Dennis, Andrew Kerr, Peter Quinn, and Francis Gilmore.


State versus Matthew Miller, bastardy. Case in and submitted to the court, who find him 3 pounds [a unit of money], 11 shillings [a unit of money], 6 pence [a unit of money] and costs.


Court adjourned until tomorrow morning at 10 o’clock.


Tuesday, January 15, 1788.


Court met according to adjournment. Present: David Leech, James Wilson and Thomas Gillham, Esquires. Also present Francis Adams.


Deed of conveyance from Robert McAfee to James Wilson, Esquire for 500 acres formerly proven by Jacob Randal before Malcolm Henry, Esquire, ordered to be recorded.




Ordered that the following rates and no others be taken by tavern keepers in this country for the present year 1788:


  • for one breakfast, 8 pence
  • for one dinner 1 shilling
  • [for] supper 8 pence
  • for lodging 4 pence
  • for one horse in the stable per night fed with good corn or hay 9 pence, for corn or oats per quart 2 pence
  • good pasturage for one horse per night, 3 pence
  • for West India rum per half pint 10 pence, per quart 1 shilling 6 pence
  • Jamaica rum per half pint 10 pence, per quart 2 shillings 4 pence
  • Northward rum per half pint 6 pence, per quart 1 shilling 6 pence
  • French brandy per half pint 10 pence
  • Gin per half pint 10 pence
  • peach or apple brandy per half pint 6 pence, per quart 1 shilling 6 pence
  • good whiskey that sinks tallow per half pint 4 pence, per quart 1 shilling
  • Madeira wine per half pint 10 pence


  • Porter per bottle 1 shilling 2 pence
  • Cider or beer per quart 4 pence
  • Claret wine per half pint 10 pence
  • Cider royal per quart 7 pence


Present: William Hill, Esquire.


Thomas Walker, Esquire produced a license under the hands of Richard Hutson, Esquire, one of the Judges of the Court of Chancery, and Aedanus Burke and Thomas Heyward, Jr., judges of the Court of Common Pleas to practice as an attorney at law.




Ordered that the following persons have license to keep a common tavern at their dwelling house in this county for the ensuing year: Andrew Fergusen, John Wilson, Abraham Smith, Hugh Quinn, John Milling, and William Bratton, Esquire.  



From:  York County, South Carolina Minutes of the County Court, 1786-1797, Lawrence K. Wells, editor. (1981), pp. 37-53