Book review project, Junior Seminar

Fall 2005


This book review project is due next Tuesday, Sept 6, at 8PM. You should email it to me the same way you sent me the journal assignment.



Book reviews are short articles in journals that provide a brief description of what a book is about and an assessment of the book. In this assignment, I want you to locate a book review of Burton’s In My Father’s House and read the review.  For your assignment, I want you to send me an email with a citation to the review and a one paragraph summary of what you think the key points of the review are.


To do this, go to America: History and Life (using the instructions from last week) and locate reviews of Burton’s book (you may need to experiment with different ways of searching for this book). Then, when you have located a citation to a review, read that review. Please note: you may be able to read the review on line, or you may have to go to the library to get the journal. If you need to read the library at the journal, you might have to order the journal from storage, you will need to allow two days for this.