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Visit these sites to learn more about Gulf War Syndrome:



Report of the Special Investigation Unit on Gulf War Illnesses, Committee on Veterans' Affairs, United States Senate. S. Prt. 105-39. Sept, 1998 - Result of a year-long investigation of various aspects of Persian Gulf War Illnesses.

Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses -"The mission of the Committee is to make recommendations to the Secretary of Veterans Affairs on government research relating to the health consequences of military service in the Southwest Asia theater of operations during the Persian Gulf War." Important report

Gulf War Illness Public Inquiry A public inquiry to report upon the circumstances that have led to ill health, to British troops following deployment to the first Gulf war.

Gulf Veterans' Illnesses Home Page - This site belongs to the British Ministry of Defence (MOD). It discusses what MOD is doing for it's veterans and describes current research. Site ignores "bad news", trumpets "good news".

National Gulf War Resource Center, Inc. "An international coalition of advocates and organizations providing a resource for information, support, and referrals for all those concerned with the complexities of Persian Gulf War issues, especially Gulf War illnesses and those held prisoner or missing in action." 

GulfLINK - Also known as the Gulf War Illnesses Homepage, this is the "official line" from the Office of the Special Assistant for Gulf War Illnesses. It provides information on how to get help if you are an ill veteran. Site ignores "bad news", trumpets "good news".

 National Library of Medicine Home Page - A comprehensive medical resource from the National Institutes of Health.

 Topical Bibliography of Published Works Regarding the Health of Veterans of the Persian Gulf War - A bibliography of topics related to Gulf War illnesses. This project was supported by the Department of Defense. It contains 2,997 references in 21 categories and was last updated in 11/97.

 VetCenter - This site contains a wealth of information for ill veterans. It is maintained by "Desert Storm Mom" - the mother of an ill Gulf War veteran. Visit the "Vet Connection" for dozens of links to government agencies.

Duke University Confirmation of the Research


