James Iredell Moss Gainesville, Fl 32605 Born: Quantico Virginia (Semper Fi)
Interests: Toxicology, Pharmacology, Physiology, Insect Control ;
University of California, Riverside.
University of California, Riverside.
San Diego State University
Santa Rosa Junior College.
Palomar College.
May 2004 to September 2006: Research technician/Lab manager. Pharmacogenomics research support. Discover genetic polymorphisms affect the response to drugs. This includes various methods for analysis of the composition (sequence) human genetic material (DNA or RNA) and storage and retrieval of that information for analysis with clinical records of drug responses. Pharmacogenomics is the study of how an individual's genetic inheritance affects the body's response to drugs.
September 2002 to April 2004: Postdoctoral researcher, University of Florida. Adipocyte (fat cell) pharmacology research.
January 1998 to July 2001: Research technician. Used molecular techniques in research in cellular regulation of gene expression involved in mammalian development and cancer. DNA cloning, PCR, blots, protein manipulations and related techniques.
June 1994 to January 1998: Substitute teaching in public schools. Completed development of an insecticidal boric acid synergist (patent 5,667,816) which was developed and marketed. A label for the boric acid composition was approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Consulted on the health effects of drugs, pesticides, insect repellents and other chemical exposures. Wrote a review for the U.S. Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs which dealt with the potentiation of the toxicity of a drug used by Persian Gulf War troops, by pesticides and other substances. Member of a research team that studied the effects of chemical risk factors related to Persian Gulf War illnesses.
July 1990 to June 1994: Research Entomologist, USDA ARS, Medical and Veterinary Entomology Research Laboratory, Gainesville, Florida.
March 1989 to June 1990: Research Entomologist, USDA ARS Subtropical Horticulture Research Laboratory, Miami, Florida.
February 1987 to February 1989: Research Associate (two year post doctoral appointment) USDA ARS Tropical Fruit and Vegetable Research
Laboratory, Hilo, Hawaii.
August 1981 to December 1986: Research Assistant (Ph.D. program), University of California, Riverside.
June 1976 to July 1981: Research Assistant (M.S. program), University of California, Riverside.
Professional Activities:
Moss JI. Chemical interactions and Gulf War illnesses. Chem Biol Interact. 2011 Aug 15;193(1):107; author reply 108. doi: 10.1016/j.cbi.2011.03.006. Epub 2011 Apr 5. PubMed PMID: 21473857.
Niu Y, Gong Y, Langaee TY, Davis HM, Elewa H, Beitelshees AL, Moss JI, Cooper-Dehoff RM, Pepine CJ, Johnson JA. Genetic variation in the beta2 subunit of the voltage-gated calcium channel and pharmacogenetic association with adverse cardiovascular outcomes in the INternational VErapamil SR-Trandolapril Study GENEtic Substudy (INVEST-GENES). Circ Cardiovasc Genet. 2010 Dec;3 (6):548-55. doi: 10.1161/CIRCGENETICS.110.957654. PubMed PMID: 21156931; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3060561.
Moss JI, Pontes E, Hansen PJ. Insulin-like growth factor-1 protects preimplantation embryos from anti-developmental actions of menadione. Arch Toxicol. 2009 Nov;83(11):1001-7. doi: 10.1007/s00204-009-0458-3. Epub 2009 Jul 11. PubMed PMID: 19593550.
Moss JI Hansen PJ. Insulin-like growth factor-1 reduces the anti-development effects of menadione on development of bovine preimplantation embryos. American Dairy Science Association, American Society Of Animal Science, July 2008, TH182.
Moss JI. The synergism of N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide (DEET) effects by a carbamate is a novel and new observation. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2006 Apr;74(4):520; author reply 520. PubMed PMID: 16606976.
Niu YX, Langaee TY, Gong Y, Moss JI, Cooper-Dehoff RM, Pepine CJ, Johnson JA. DNA Variations In Voltage-gated Calcium Channel Beta 2 Subunit (CACNB2) Gene, Functional Consequences, and Association with Adverse Cardiovascular Outcomes In the Iternational Verapamil SR-trandolapril Study-Genetic Substudy. Circulation 118 (18) S885 Suppl. 2 2008 Meeting Abstract
Beitelshees AL, Gong Y, DeHoff RM; Moss JI, Pepine CJ, Johnson JA. Variable blood pressure response to verapamil KCNMB1 genotype. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 77 (2): P97 Suppl. S 2005 Meeting Abstract.
Moss JI. Many Gulf War illnesses may be autoimmune disorders caused by the chemical and biological stressors pyridostigmine bromide, and adrenaline. Medical Hypotheses. 2001; 56 (2):155 157. (doi:10.1054/mehy.2000.1129) ISSN: 0306 9877 PMID: 11425278.
Moss, J.I. 1998 (September). Possible Potentiation of Pyridostigmine Bromide (PB) by Pesticides (p. 181-193). In: Report of the Special Investigation Unit on Gulf War Illnesses, Committee on Veteran's' Affairs, United States Senate. S. Prt. 105-39.
Moss, J.I. 1997. U.S. Patent # 5,667,816, September 16 1997. Pest Controlling Composition. (Boric acid insecticide synergists).
Chaney, L.A., Mozingo, J.R., Hume, A.S. & J.I. Moss. 1997. Potentiation of Pyridostigmine Bromide Toxicity in Mice by Selected Adrenergic Agents and Caffeine. Vet. Human Toxicol. 39 (9): 214 219.
Chaney, L., Moss, J., Mozingo, J., & A. Hume. 1997. Toxic interactions between pyridostigmine (PB), N,N Diethyl m toluamide (DEET), adrenergic agents and caffeine. Toxicologist 36(1), P2, p21, #106.
Moss, J.I. 1996. Synergism of Toxicity of N,N Diethyl m toluamide to German Cockroaches (Othoptera: Blattellidae) by Hydrolytic Enzyme Inhibitors. J. Econ. Entomol. 89(5): 1151 1155.
Moss, J.I. & J.G. Scott. 1996. Tetrodotoxin protects German cockroaches from Type I pyrethroid and carbamate insecticide poisoning. J. Econ. Entomol. 89: 51 55.
U.S. Senate (in). 1995. Is Military Research Hazardous to Veterans' Health? Lessons from World War II, The Persian Gulf, and Today. Transcript of Hearing before the Committee on Veterans' Affairs, May 6 1994. S. Hrg. 103 984.
Zhao, R., Klotz, J.H., Moss, J. I. Davis, L. R. & R.S. Patterson. 1995. Laboratory Evaluation of Compounds for Repellency against the Cat Flea, 1994. Arthropod Management Tests. 20: 358 359.
Klotz, J.H. & J.I. Moss. 1996. Oral toxicity of a boric acid sucrose water bait to florida carpenter ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). J. Entomological Sci. 31: 9 12.
Zhao, R., Klotz, J.H., Moss, J. I. Davis, L. R. & R.S. Patterson. 1995. Screening Some New Repellents against Cteno cephalides felis. J. Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine. 2:36.
Klotz, J.H. & J.I. Moss. 1994. Renewed Interest in an "Ancient" Compound. Pest Control Technology. 22: 55, 58.
Klotz, J.H., Moss, J.I., Zhao, R., Davis, L.R. and R.S. Patterson. 1994. Oral Toxicity of Boric Acid and Other Boron Compounds to Immature Cat Fleas (Siphonaptera: Pulicidae). J. Econ. Entomol. 87: 1534 1536.
Moss, J. I. & H. T. Chan. 1993. Thermal death kinetics of Caribbean fruit fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) embryos. J. Econ. Entomol. 86: 1162 1166.
Moss, J.I., R.S. Patterson and P.G. Koehler. 1992. Detection of insecticide resistance in the German cockroach (Dictyoptera: Blattellidae) with glue toxin traps. J. Econ. Entomol. 85: 1601 1605.
Moss, J.I., R.S. Patterson and P.G. Koehler. 1991. A new technique for the rapid prediction of insecticide resistance in German Cockroaches. Pest Control Technology. 19: 42 46, 102.
Moss, J.I., and E.B. Jang. 1991. Effects of age and metabolic stress on heat tolerance of Mediterranean Fruit Fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) eggs. Journal of Economic Entomology. 84: 537-541.
Sharp, J.L., Gaffney, J.J., Moss, J.I., and W.P. Gould. 1991. Hot Air Treatment Device for Quarantine Research. Journal of Economic Entomology. 84: 520-527.
Forney, C.F., L.H. Aung, D.G. Brandl, E.L. Soderstrom, J.I. Moss. 1991. Reduction of Adenosine Triphosphate in eggs of Fuller rose beetle (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) induced by lethal temperature and methyl bromide. Journal of Economic Entomology. 84: 198 201.
Moss, J.I., and T.A. Miller. 1988. A Pharmacological Study of the Hyperneural Muscle of Periplaneta americana. Journal of Insect Physiology 34: 997 1003.
Moss, J.I., and R.A. VanSteenwyk. 1984. Marking Cabbage Looper (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) with Cesium. Environmental Entomology. 13(2): 390-393.
Moss, J.I., and R.A. VanSteenwyk. 1982. Marking Pink Bollworm (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) with Cesium. Environmental Entomology. 11(6): 1264 1268.
ICAR 17th International Congress on Animal Reproduction (ICAR 2012), Vanvouver BC, July 2012. Involvement of free cholesterol and high density lipoprotein in development and resistance of the preimplantation bovine embryo to heat shock. Moss JI, Garrett TJ, Hansen PJ.
American Dairy Science Association, American Society Of Animal Science, July 2008, TH182 Insulin-like growth factor-1 reduces the anti-development effects of menadione on development of bovine preimplantation embryos. J. I. Moss* and P. J. Hansen, University of Florida, Gainesville.
Society of Toxicology Meeting, March 1997, Cincinnati, OH. Toxic interactions between pyridostigmine (pb), n,n diethyl m-toluamide (DEET), adrenergic agents and caffeine. L. Chaney, J Moss, J. Mozingo and A. Hume.
Entomological Society of America annual meeting, December 1994 Dallas, TX. Oral toxicity of boric acid to ants, fleas, and cockroaches. J. Klotz & J. Moss.
Entomological Society of America annual meeting, December 1993 Indianapolis IN. Tetrodotoxin protects German Cockroaches from Type I Pyrethroid and Carbamate Insecticide Poisoning. J. I. Moss and R. S. Patterson
Presented talk titled "Histological Effects on German Cockroach Midguts Poisoned with Boric Acid" at the annual meeting of the Florida Entomological Society at Captiva Island Naples, Florida on August 9 to 12, 1993.
Presented talk titled "Field trial of German cockroach insecticide resistance monitoring" at the Urban Entomology Research Symposium, at the annual meeting of the Florida Entomological Society at Stuart, Florida on August 10 to 13, 1992.
Annual Meeting, Entomological Society of America (December, 1992): "Field tests of resistance monitoring sticky traps for the German cockroach". J.I. Moss, R. S. Patterson, & P. G. Koehler.
Annual Meeting, Entomological Society of America (December, 1991): "Insecticide resistance monitoring for the German cockroach". J.I. Moss, R. S. Patterson, & P. G. Koehler.
Presented talk titled "Methods for Monitoring Insecticide Resistance in the German Cockroach" at the Urban Entomology Workshop and Symposium, at the annual meeting of the Florida Entomological Society at Naples, Florida on August 4 to 7, 1991.
Presented talk titled "Trap method for monitoring insecticide resistance in the German cockroach" at a workshop on insecticide Resistance in the German cockroach held at Parti University, West Lafayette, Indiana on March 18 19, 1991.
Annual Meeting, Entomological Society of America (December, 1989): "The Use of Physiological Studies in the Development of Commodity Treatments." J.I. Moss, E.B. Jang, and J.L. Sharp.
Pacific Branch, Entomological Society of America (June 1988):"Susceptibility of embryo stages of the Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata) to heat treatments" J.I. Moss and E.B. Jang.
International Congress of Entomology (July 1988): "Pharmacological effects on heat induced death of cultured cells of the Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata) (Diptera: Tephritidae)." J.I. Moss and E.B. Jang.
June 2002. Presented talk on Gulf War Illnesses and related research to the Department of Veterans' Affairs Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War illnesses.
In February, 2002 Presented a seminar on my research on chemical interactions to the Department of Pharmacology, University of Toledo (Toledo, Ohio).
In the Summer of 1997, I contracted to and wrote a report for the U.S. Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee Special Investigation Unit on Persian Gulf War Illnesses. The subject was the interactions of the nerve gas protection pre-treatment, pyridostigmine bromide, with pesticides.
Invited by the Naval Environmental Health Center to present talk "Detection of Insecticide Resistance in the German Cockroach with Glue Toxin Traps" at the Navy Operational Entomology Training Workshop at the Navy Disease Vector Ecology and Control Center, Naval Air Station, Jacksonville, Florida on February 7, 1992.
Invited to present talk "Methods for Monitoring Insecticide Resistance in the German Cockroach at the Urban Entomology Workshop and Symposium, at the annual meeting of the Florida Entomological Society at Naples, Florida on August 4 to 7, 1991.