Chris prepping a towel to own the beach.

Go Pina Coladas on the beach! Yeah!

FYITF - Now everyone on the beach knows.

Somewhere under there is Ben.

Chris hates ethernet cords.

The gay twins hang out in front of Moe's in Ponte Vedra.

Arguing over why we are going to Moe's.

There are some odd things afoot at Moe's.

Chris defies gravity.

Mike tries to act normal.

Lena attempts, in vain, to give someone the finger.

Paul and Stu give their attempt at defying gravity.

Mmm..... a mountain of beer.

Picture with a pretty lady or a mountain of beer?
Look what Mike and Paul chose.

The Royal Court of idiots at Adi's House.....

The Royal Court meets with the Nobility.....

and finally the subjects as well.......

Everybody takes a break from a beer card game...

while Ben tries to figure out whol stole his taco....

and the Beer Pong begins....

Paul models with his Natty Light....

Distracted by Guinness yet again......

First up at Beer Pong... RJ and Caroline.....

And the shot.....>>

which is really destroying the team of Katheleen and Ben

Chris has his Cigars and is happy.

The Gay twins relish their victory over everybody
in Beer Pong.

Chris and Jaacov have a smoke....

Chris does a Gandalf.

Stu tries to sneak a beer before heading back out
on the road....

Our raid upon the beach is successful, we have raped,
pillages, and returned with the spoils of war....