Milk, it does a body good, doesn't it Stu? Preparing
for the next Milk Challenge

This is what happens when you make fun of Stu's Sunglasses.

Mmm, Guinness, Godfather enjoys the brew of men.

Scottie and his desperate search for love on the internet.

What? Stu Study? Not on Spring Break my friends.

President: The Godfather is A Number One!!!!

Why is Jessie smiling like that?

What did you expect on a collegiate coffee table?

Chris tries to decipher the crappines that is Stu's computer.

Food Arrives.... YEAH!!!!

Godfather, Scott and Chris (L to R) loitering in the hallway

Scottie tries to administer the F.S.T. on the Godfather.

Scottacular on patrol on B2E.

Scottie: "I thought there was a prize at the bottom."

Jessie showing her violent side..... again.

Stu's sexualtiy comes into question .......again.

Camera Madness in Chris' car.

I asked for Champagne damnit!!!!!


Everybody got a beer? Good.


Reserved Seating at the Coffee Table.

Ahhh.. College...

Adi roleplays as a hooters girl.

The home of Victory is quiet.......

Scottacular at Gator City

Don't bother the Godfather while he is playing trivia.

Chris is amused.....

The X-Box is always the center of the room's activities.

Vice City, everyone need a bit of
 Homicidal Mayhem in their lives

Ok, our minds are in the gutter, but we like it there.

Stu does his Jeff Spicoli imitation.

Halo, the game where legends are made.....
and mortals die.

Myrnelle, Jenn, and Abi at Dance Marathon.