CHI 2341  Spring 2014
Chinese for Heritage Learners II
Classrooms: MTWR MAT 0114
Course Objectives
To consolidate the foundation which students have built in Chinese for Heritage Learners I,  to expend their vocabulary, and to introduce them to more complex grammatical structures.
The main emphesis of this course is on reading and writing.  At the end of the semester, students are generally expected to have achieved the following competences:
a) Listening and speaking:
Ability to talk in Chinese on simple topics with relative ease, and to be able to produce and understand syntactically more complicated senternces (questions, answers, and statements)
Ability to gather the general ideas within a paragraph-length speech, as well as being able to narrate and describe with paragraph-length discourse on familiar subjects.
b) Reading and writing:
Ability to understand short essays with various combinations of approximately 1,200 characters, and to be able to produce compositions ( a letter, astory, an essay) formulated by comprehensive paragraphs.


Qian He, Yenna Wu and Ying Petersen:“Me and China”, New York: McGraw-Hill 2008.

ISBN 0-07-338578-6.

Available at UF Campus Bookstore.

Lesson 9 - 16 will be covered this semester.

Recommended References
Concise English-Chinese Chinese-English Dictionary, Oxford University Press, 1986
Far East Chinese-English Dictionary, NY: U.S. International Publishing Inc. 1992.
Far East English-Chinese Dictionary, NY: U.S. International Publishing Inc. 2004 (
A Conversion Table of Simplified Chinese Characters, Fareastern Publications, Yale University, New Haven 1970

Course Requirements
Students must have received a grade of "C" or higher or S in CHI 2340 Chinese for Heritage Learners I, or passed Chinese placement test to be admitted in this class.
I I. Attendance
Since language learning is a cumulative process, it is essential that students attend all classes. Students are allowed to have four unexcused absences.  Each additional unexcused absence after the 4th will result in 1 point deduction from the final score.
Please be punctual.  If you are late to class, you will not be given extra time to complete the exams and quizzes.  If you are more than 5 minutes late three times without your instructor's consent, they will be counted as one absence.  If you are more than 30 minutes late, it will be considered as one absence.
You may be excused from the class only if you provide documented evidence, such as a note  from the doctor, accident report, receipt for car repair etc.
If you are late or miss class for any reason, it is your responsibility to contact your instructor or ask your classmates to find out what you have missed and what you need to do.
Students will be judged by their performance in class.  Students are expected to preview lessons, and prepare for classroom activities. Since this is a four-credit course, students are expected to study for at least 2 hours every day. Cellular phones, sleeping, doing homework, eating and talking during the class are considered as disengaged from class activities. Any absence is considered as no participation on the absent day.  Grading criteria for class participation will be on a 8 point scale:

  8 = excellent performance; high level of fluency and accuracy; great concentration in class
  7 =  very good/strong performance with some minor weak areas; memorized most materials; 
         no need to refer to textbook; very good concentation in class.
  6 =  good performance with some weakness; memorized some materials; occasional need to
         refer to text book; good concentration in class
  5 =  fair performance, weak in major area; memorized only limited materials; frequent need to
         refer to textbook; somewhat disengaged from class.
  4 =  poor performance , weak in most area, refer constantly to textbook;very much                disengaged  from class activities
  3 =  completely unprepared or disengaged from class activities

  0 =  absent. or any interrrupts to the lecturer
IV. Homework
All homework is due at the beginning of class on the due date. If homework is turned in at the end of class, it will be checked but not graded. No homework will be accepted after the due dates indicated on your assigment sheet. Any missing homework assignments will be graded as 0.  In case you must miss class on the day that an assignment is due, turn it in  ahead of time.
V. Quizzes and Tests 
Students are required to take online quizzes on E-learning website. There is No make-up for any on-line quiz. It is the student’s responsibility to find a working computer to take the on-line quiz.  You can do the on-line quiz at the language lab (M-F, 1317 Turlington). 
In-class quizzes will be given from time to time.  The instructor will announce quiz date in class in advance. Normally, there will be a test after every two lessons.
Sakai E-Learning
E-learning is an online Course Management System (CMS) to support study in and outside of class. Students are required to check the E-learning CMS for the weekly course schedule, class
and homework assignments and Chinese Hour schedule.

Makeup Policy
All homework, tests, quizzes and oral presentations (individual and group) can be madeup with valid proof of illness or emergency etc., or pre-arrangement with the instructor (for official activities only).  It is your responsibility to contact your instructor by email before class time and to schedule a make-up within three days after returning to class..
Chinese Speaking Policy in Class
You are required to speak only Chinese in class.  You will sign an honor pledge at the beginning of the semester regarding speaking only Chinese in class.  You will have to ask permission to speak English, if it becomes absolutely necessary.
Academic Honesty
Cheating will not be tolerated. Any students found in violation of the student honor code will be reported to university officials. Please refer to the University of Florida Student Honor Code.

Class attendance & participation

Homework  12%

Oral Presentations

Projects (project 1 5%, Project II 10%)

In class quizzes 10%

Online quizzes

Chapters Tests  25%

Final 20%

93 - 100 =  A+
90 -   92 =  A
87 -   89 =  B+
83 -   86 =  B
80 -   82 =  B-
77 -   79 =  C+
73 -   76 =  C
70 -   72 =  C-
67 -   69 =  D+
63 -   66 =  D
60 -   62 =  D-
59 or less = E

Important Note: A grade of C or better is considered a passing grade.  Students receiving grade below C (including C-,D+,D,D- and E) will not be permitted to move on to CHI3410 Advanced Chinese 1.

Special Request:
Students requesting classroom accommodation must first register with the Dean of Students Office.  The Dean of Students Office will provide documentation to the students who must then provide this documentation to the instructor when request accommodation.
