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Jun 13

[2013] Bitcoin, Ripple, Oh My! I find the world of alt coins and digital currencies very interesting. Bitcoin (BTC) is a 'peer-to-peer electronic cash system' created by Satoshi Nakamoto that recently enjoyed a price spike in the past few months due to media attention. Satoshi is such a mysterious figure. S/he released Bitcoin to the world in 2008 and to this day remains unknown to the masses. Here is a link to the research article that describes the Bitcoin system: Satoshi PDF

In addition to BTC, there have been many other types of coins including LTC, MVC. NMC, YAC, DVC FTC, ... basically a lot. Each of these represent an improvement on the same type of protocol. A possible competitor is Ripple. There's a lot of volatility right now and only time will tell if this 'experiment' has staying power.

I will definitely keep an eye on it.
Gabby Douglas

Jan 1

[2013] Happy New Year!! Blessings, love, & light to everyone within the sound of my voice. I hope your 2013 is amazing.

Lots on the agenda for me: need to finish up my dissertation edits, finish writing 2 research articles, and find a job. Don't know what the next chapter is for me. Equal parts excited & anxious, but that's to be expected. No complaints though. Life is good. C'mon 2013, bring it!

Nov 20

[2012] PhD Dissertation Defense Dr. Sydni Credle ... *praise dance*. \o/

Oct 8

[2012] Progress Energy Teaching Scholar This semester, I was chosen to be a recitation instructor for Chemistry I for Engineers (CHM 2095). One of my long term goals is to teach at the college level. This has been a wonderful experience. I teach 3 course sections and one of them is a special female-only section. The thought behind this is to provide a platform for women in engineering to network and create a support system for each other as they venture deeper into their core classes.

The best part has been the interaction with the students. These are true freshmen, young adults (age 17-19) that have it all ahead of them. I wonder sometimes if they understand that they can do ANYTHING as long as they stay motivated. I sure hope so. If not, I'll make sure to tell them.

Aug 22

[2012] London Summer Olympics Olympics were great. I watched more coverage than I thought I would. And in some cases, due to the time delay, I watched even when I knew the outcome. Something about people competing at the highest level that is just compelling. Amazing. My favorite moments were Gabby Douglas and Oscar Pistorius. Truly historic stuff. Gabby Douglas

UPDATED 6/13/2013 - removed photo of Oscar Pistorius.

Aug 6

[2012] Mars Curiosity Landing Really, how cool is this! I stayed up all night watching & waiting for confirmation of the landing. Things like this and the Higgs Boson & SpaceX make me think that the future is now. Good stuff. Here's more info: Mars Curiosity Landing

May 16

[2012] Saying Goodbye I had to say goodbye to a few members of my GLS team. Both Sharun Kumar and Adam Butler graduated this semester. It was great working with both of them. They will definitely be missed. Saying 'goodbye' is a part of the academic process. We come together from all over the world, become friends, and share experiences that will last us a lifetime. Because we crossed paths, I will always think of them and hope that they are doing well. Many blessings in the next phase of your lives. Xx

Feb 23

[2012] PhD Proposal Defense I'm a PhD Candidate! Not going to lie, it feels good. Thanks to everyone for all the warm wishes. It definitely helped. I have a lot of work to do to finish up, but I think this is the fun part. First on the agenda: sleep! Lol!

April 20

[2011] Community Outreach: CPET Tour for 8th Graders Hosted a group of 8th grade students in our laboratory today. The students were a part of a program through UF's Center for Precollegiate Education and Training (CPET) where science teachers are able to design experiences for their students. We were a part of their 'Energy' tour which involved sharing our research in fuel cell technology, touring our facility, and a question/answer session about 'what engineers do'. My message: Engineers are cool!!

March 4

[2011] Chi Chi Chi Le Le Le ... Chile!! Had the opportnity to travel to Chile for 10 Days through the SEAGEP International Program. It was awesome (understatement)!! It was great to learn of renewable energy portfolios on a country level. I also had the opportunity to present my research to an international audience for the first time. Truly a marvelous experience. One of those once-in-a-lifetime things. Very thankful :) Beautiful Chile Coastline

Feb 23

[2011] Community Outreach: Engineering & Science Fair (Day 2) Day 2 was just as fun as Day 1. This morning I was accompanied by the 2 undergraduate students (Tim Gaynor & Adam Butler) that are a part of my GLS research team. It was great seeing my mentees out with the people. The true lesson that I think they learned: how to explain your research in a manner that the layperson can understand. Although rocky at first, I feel they met that challenge with flying colors. They did really well.

Update (April 2011): Our team won the "Visitor's Choice" Award for this event. I have the award hanging on my office wall. Special thanks goes to T. Gaynor, A. Butler, and S. Kumar. You guys are awesome!!

Feb 22

[2011] Community Outreach: Engineering & Science Fair (Day 1) Spent the morning representing my research group at the 2011 Engineering & Science Fair. It was a great opportunity to get out of the lab and share what I do with the youngsters. This morning I had the master's student I am mentoring named Sharun helping me. We had a nice spread with a dissassembled NEXA FC unit as well as some videos from the Fuel Cell Systems course (taught by my advisor Dr. Lear) playing in the background. I also presented a poster at this event. Received a lot of good feedback.

We had kids of all sizes (one as small as 4 yrs old!!) come by our booth. It was very intimidating! ... but also very rewarding. The best part: we had a young 5th grader (?) named Faraz come by about 10 times. Each time I taught him something new about our research and had him teach the next person who walked up. Pretty soon, Faraz took over and Sharun & I played the part of his assistants. I'm going to remember his name because I'm convinced he will be famous one day :)