Stefan Craciun
Student, University of Florida
Summer semester 2006
EEL 5666: Intelligent Machines Design Laboratory (IMDL)
Tag Team Ying
Purpose of
Project: The
goal of my project is to design two robots which will
play a game of tag.
The robots will
avoid obstacles and will recognize each other with the use of IR
detectors and
functioning at a particular frequency as well as RFID readers
and tags. One robot will start off by cchasing and the other by
running. The chasing robot will move
faster. When the chasing
robot is whithin reach of his oppenent it will wack it with a wooden
stick back up and run away. The other robot is "IT".
Components used:
II B board (bought from
RFID reader
Futaba servo
Bump Switch
Description of project:
Pictures of developing project:
Sample CodeVision programs:
Write to LCD
This is a simple program written in CodeVision which displays a string
of characters to the LCD.
(*The LCD is connected to PORT D of the Mavric II B board)
CodeVision LCD program
RFID reader
This CodeVision program will read the string of characters sent by the
tag with
the RFID
reader and
will display all the characters to the LCD screen
The data is transmitted serially to the microprocessor through
PIN 0 of
port E of the
Mavric II B board.
CodeVision RFID program
3) Servo program
This CodeVision program
will generate two different square waves using Timer zero on the Mavric
II B board by changing the value stored in the Output Compare Register.
The servo will oscilate between two angles and will hold its
position for approximately 1.6 seconds.
CodeVision Servo Program