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Charles J. Pindziak II

About Charlie:

Charlie graduated summa cum laude with a B.A. in linguistics from the University of Florida. He has previously been involved in research of Korean phonotactics with Optimality Theory and has co-written two journal articles on this topic, one of which earned him the 2010 Reza Ordoubadian Award from the Southeastern Conference on Linguistics (SECOL). Charlie has researched Spanish and Catalan lenition of voiced stop consonants and the incompatible phonetic and phonological interpretations of this process. He has also researched the phonetic realization of [β] across languages.

Charlie currently works on machine-learning applications, focusing on general problems as well as those specific to natural language processing. His favorite learning models are artifical neural networks and support vector machines.

Charles J. Pindziak II


Journal articles

Conference presentations




