Welcome to My Classroom!


            I am a middle school teacher at A. Quinn Jones Center in Gainesville Florida. If you clicked to get here, you probably already guessed that I teach Social Studies. The idea behind this webpage is to assist students in my classroom to research a country of their choice and create a PowerPoint presentation of this country using various resources from the Internet.


Instructional Goals-

(1) Students will learn Internet Safety Procedures

(2.) Students will be able to access teacher specific websites on their chosen countries.

(3.) Students will gather and organize information in multiple formats (i.e. video, pictures, audio)      about their chosen country to be incorporated into a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation.


Sunshine State Standard Objectives-

(1.) Students will use various map forms (including thematic maps) and other geographic representations, tools, and technologies to acquire process and report geographic information including patterns of land use, connections between places, and patterns and processes of migration and diffusion. (SS.B.1.3.1)

(2.) Students will know how the qualities and characteristics of art media, techniques, and processes can be used to enhance communication of experiences and ideas. (VA.B.1.3.2)



Teacher will use direct instruction and class discussion on Internet Safety Procedures.

Teacher will have students research various pre-screened websites (linked to teacher Ikeepbookmarks.com website) on student selected countries that meets criteria according to teacher specifications.



Students will seek information from multi-media on their selected country according to teacher specifications. (Land area, population, climate, economy, government, religion, culture, etc.) Students will be given a foreign country criteria checklist/resource page. (Attached)


Assessment Strategies-

Students will be assessed according to teacher rubric (Attached) which includes specific information and pictures on subtopics of selected countries. These criteria must be incorporated into their PowerPoint presentations.


Take Me To: Student Criteria   Teacher Rubric   Home Page   Class Home Page