I will probably mess up doing the examples sometimes, so watch out for that. If you see me do something that didn't make sense, stop me; it might be a mistake.
There are usually substantial bonus points built into my course, so don't come begging me for extra credit at the end of the semester. If you need a B to stay in college and you have a 78, you will have a C and my condolences. Don't be fooled: I'm a nice guy, but I will not be pushed into bending grades.
Here is a list of things that will not get you any extra credit, so don't bother trying them:
Asking for a grade because you need it. Grades are unsubsidized and distributed on a merit-based system, not a need-based system. Even if you are graduating and have a job, you still have to do the work like everybody else.
Whining and moaning that my course is too hard. This just wastes your time and mine, so just don't. If the course is too hard, then take something easier. Otherwise just do the work.
Attempting to pay me off, threatening me with violence, etc.
Skipping all the time and then asking for help outside class on things we covered while you were out. I'm much more willing to cut you a break on something if I know who you are.
I give loads of partial credit, so show any work you can do. If all you have is an answer, and it's wrong, there's nothing I can do to help you. If your solution is incomplete, admit it! Explaining what and where the trouble is will not only give me better insight into your understanding of the material [ = win you points], but also will likely give you an idea about how to solve the problem completely. Attempting to fool me into thinking an incomplete solution is complete will most likely meet with ill success.
If you're having some trouble grasping one of the concepts, you're probably not the only one; this material is tough. Let me know what's causing the trouble and I'll see if I can spend some extra time on it in class or post some supplementary material on the web. Office hours are good for that, too.
You will have an easier time in my courses if you do the work along and along instead of in lump sums close to due dates.
I'm a reasonable guy. If you have a problem with something I'm doing in class [going way to fast, mumbling, inappropriate scratching], bring it up. Send me an email message or come see me and we can talk about it. If you think I made a mistake in the grading, I probably did, so bring it back. It won't hurt to ask.