
This is a list of the awards and recognition I have had over my life.

  • University of Florida Teaching Award Winner 2012 (ceremony held in April 2012).
  • Teaching Excellence Award (2012) by the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering.
  • Graduate Teaching Award 2010-2011 by the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering.
  • Gerondelis Foundation Scholarship of 5,000$ for excellence in studies (2011).
  • Full Assistantship during my studies at the University of Florida (2010- ).
  • Awards in the Hellenic Mathematical Society Competition for all prefectures except for Attiki and Thessaloniki in 1998 (1st), 1999 (1st), and 2000 (3rd).
  • Integrity and Work Ethic Gator Attribute nomination by the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering (2012 and 2013).
  • INFORMS 2013 Future Academician Colloquium, nominated by the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering.