, a native of Korea, earned her BA at E-Wha Women's University in Seoul, Korea, where she studied composition with Prof. Grace Park, and her MA at New York University, where she studied composition and film scoring with Dr. Ron Mazurek and Dr. Dinu Ghezzo. Her piece, Butterfly for flute and tape was performed at the ISCM World Music Days in Timisuara, Romania, in 1999. Chan Ji Kim was commissioned by NYU Dance Department where she composed a work for the Millennium 2000 Concert. Her chamber piece and multimedia piece were performed at the International Summer Music Festival in Florence and Assisi, Italy in 2000, 2001and 2002, and Internatioanl New Music Consortium (INMC) 2003 concert series in Romania, Sigma Alpha Iota (SAI) Women composers' Showcase in New Jersey City, Society of Composers Inc. (SCI) national conference, Southeastern Composers Symposium, New Music Society in Seoul, Korea, and Berlin New Music Concert in Berlin, Germany. Her orchestra piece, SAN(The Mountain) premiered with Sinfonia Orchestra of Bucharest at George Enescu Hall in Bucharest, Romania on October 2004. She was commissioned by the major international chamber ensemble groups: Anton Webern Ensemble in Berlin, Germarny, ProContemporonia in Bucharest Romania, Les Basses in Seoul, Korea, and R20 (String Orchestra) in Wroclaw, Poland. Her electroacoustic music has been performed at Florida Electroacoustic Music Festival (FEMF), and many dance concerts and electroacoustic music concerts in America, Europe, and Korea.

Her awards include the 1999/2000 best composer of International New Music Consortium (INMC), Society of Composers Inc. (SCI)/ American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers (ASCAP) student commisions regional winner (2002), A. Didier Graeffe Scholarship (2003, 2004, and 2005), and the first place of the Dean's award for artistic excellance at college of fine arts (2002, 2003, 2004, and 2005), University of Florida. Her music has been released on CD's and has aired on KBS radio in Korea, and on SCI student chapter CD vol.4 (Memoria #2 for solo piano and Three moments for Clarinet Ensemble), and CD vol.5 (Some Beautiful Things in Life for two pianos).

Her reviews include the journal of DTKV - Deautscher Tonkünstler-Vlerband (The German Tone-Artist Federation) in Berlin, “different and very interesting composition” about her chamber ensemble piece performed by the Anton Webern Quartet at the BKA theater new music concert series in 2005. In the Winter 2005 computer music journal, Larry Austin said, “Chan Ji Kim’s Awaiting, nicely mixed, with sustained tones, and reflectively soulful.”

Currently she is a Ph.D candidate, ABD, and teaches Scoring for Orchestra and Music Theory including basic written theory, ear-training, and sight-singing at the University of Florida, where she is studying with Dr. James Paul Sain and Dr. Paul Koonce and Dr. Paul Richards.

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