1. 有疑問字的間接問句

When will he go? I dont know when he will go?

  1. 沒有疑問字的間接問句

Can you come? What difference does it make whether you can come or not?

  1. 詢問重點的問題

Did you tell me who she was? Yes, I did.

Who did you tell me she was? She is my sister.

Who do you guess she is?

  1. 建議去做某事的句型

How (What) about (taking) a walk?

What do you say to (taking) a walk?

What say you to (taking) a walk?

What do you think of taking a walk?

What is your opinion of taking a walk?

Lets take a walk, shall we?

How do you find you new job? 新工作如何?

  1. 命令句與and 的句型 ()

It you stir, you will be a dead man.

Stir and you will be a dead man.

If a man is once a beggar, he will be a beggar for life.

Let a man be once a beggar, and he will be a beggar for life.

Once a beggar, and a man will be a beggar for life.

  1. 命令句與or 的句型 (否則)

If you dont put on a coat, youll catch cold.

Put on a coat, or youll take cold.

Without putting on a coat, youll have a cold.

Unless you put on a coat, youll get a cold.

  1. 感嘆句的句型

What a beautiful girl (she is)!

What beautiful girl!

How beautiful a girl (she is)!

How beautiful girl is!

  1. 現在事實相反的假設 (If S + were/ p. V , S + should/would/could/might + V)

If I were in your place, I would do likewise.

If I had wings, I would fly to you.

  1. 過去事實相反的假設 (If S + had + p.p. , S + should/would/could/might + have p.p.)

If these shoes had fitted me, I would have bought them.

You say you laughed at it, but if I had been you, I should surely have wept.

  1. 未來事實相反的假設(If S + were to +V , S + should/would/could/might + V)

Even if the Sun were to rise in the west, I would not do such a thing.

  1. 萬一的句型(If S + should +V , S + should/shall/would/will + V)

If I should fail this time, I will (would) try again.

We will meet tomorrow if it should not be very inconvenient to you.

I could do so, if I would.

  1. 不確定的未來(If S + V (現在式/原式) , S + shall/will/can/may + V)

If it is (be) fine tomorrow, we will go on a picnic.

I fear I shall fail. What shall I do if I fail?

If he is (be) too old, I will not employ him.

Correct errors, if any.

  1. 不能實現的希望 (I wish/How I wish/Would that/Would + had p.p. (過去的希望)/p. (現在的希望)/should, would, could V (未來的希望))

(How) I wish I were a bird.

If only you had told me the truth.

Would (Would to God/ Wish to Heaven) that I could go shopping with you tomorrow.

  1. 祝福 (I wish + S + may +V = May + S + V = (May) + God + V = I wish +事物 = (I wish) + 事物+to +

I wish you may succeed.

May you succeed.

I wish you success.

I wish success to you.

Long life the Republic of China.

  1. hope wish (S +hope + (that) S +V (直說法). S + hope + to +V. S + wish (that) S + V (假設法). S + wish + to V/ O + to V/ O + )

I hope you will help me. (可實現的希望)

= I want you to help me and I think you can.

I wish you would help me. (不可實現的希望)

= I want you to help me but I think you cant.

He hopes to pass the examinations. (希望)

= He wishes to pass the examinations.

= He wishes he may pass the examinations. (祈願)

I wish you to go immediately.

= I wish you would go immediately.

= I hope you will go immediately.

I wish myself at home.

= I wish I were at home. (但不在家)

I wish it true.

= I wish it were true. (但假的)

  1. if 的省略 (If S + were/had/should = Were/Had/Should + S + )

If I had not known what he was, I should have taken him for a farmer.

= Had I not known what he was, I should have taken him for a farmer.

If we were to fail, what would happen?

= Were we to fail, what would happen?

  1. 若非句型; 要不是 (If S not V假設法/ But that S V直說法/ But for O/ Without O, S V假設法.

Were it not for the Sun, we couldnt live at all.

= If it werent for the Sun, we couldnt live at all.

= But that it is for the Sun, we couldnt live at all.

= But for the Sun, we couldnt live at all.

= Without the Sun, we couldnt live at all.

  1. S would rather + V (寧願), S would rather S V假設法 (但願)

I would rather he were here now.

I would rather go than stay here.

I would rather not go.

I had rather never have been born.

  1. It is/was (high/about) time S p.V/should )

It is time we went to bed.

= It is time we should go to bed.

= It is high time for us to go to bed.

= We should be in bed now.

= We should have been in bed by now.

  1. S V直說法as if/as though S V假設法 (好像是其實不是)

You look as if you were dead.

She opened here lips as if to speak.

It isnt as if he were poor. 他不見得窮

As if you didnt know! 其實你根本知道

  1. 命令 建議 要求 堅持 (n./a./v. that S (should) V)

Her father insisted that she (should) marry that man.

It is necessary (important/essential) that he take the exam.

  1. 本來但是 (S V假設法(事實相反)but S V直說法(事實))

He would have made the speech, but he had a sore throat.

I would have treated you a move, but I forgot.

I would treat you a lunch, but I dont have money.

  1. 否則的話 (S V直說法(事實) or S V假設法(事實相反))

They arrived in time, or they wouldnt have caught the express.

  1. can not too(愈好; 也不為過)

We cannot be too careful in choosing friends.

= You can never be over careful in choosing friends.

= One can hardly be careful enough in choosing friends.

= It is impossible to be sufficiently careful in choosing friends.

We feel that we cannot be too grateful/thankful to you for what you have done for us.

  1. 部份否定 (All/Both/Every not = Not all/both/every )

All men are not honest.

= Not all men are honest.

No man is honest. (全部否定)

= All men are dishonest.

All that glitters is not gold. 金玉其外, 敗絮其中

  1. 未必 (not necessarily)不必 (not necessary) 的比較

Learned men are not necessarily/always wise.

It is not necessary for you to meet him halfway.

  1. 任何都不的表現法

No one knows.

= Nobody knows.

I saw nobody.

= I didnt see anybody.

  1. 沒有…” (否定字/疑問字thatnot V/but V/without O)

There is no one but loves his own child.

= There is no one that does not love his own child.

= There is no one without loving his own child.

= Everyone love his own child.

He never goes to a bookstore but he buys some books.

= He never goes to a bookstore without buying some books.

= Every time he goes to a bookstore, he buys some books.

I am not so foolish but I can tell that.

= I am not so foolish that I can not tell that.

= I am not such a fool but I can tell that.

= I am not such a fool that I can not tell that.

= However foolish I am, I can tell that.

No man is so foolish but he may give another good counsel sometimes, and no man is so wise but he may easily make a mistake, if he takes no other counsel than his own.

  1. 動狀詞(不定詞, 動名詞, 分詞)的否定 (not + V-ing/ to V )

He tried not to think of her.

I told him of my not being able to help him.

Not being able to help him, I told him so.

  1. No + V-ing / No + n. 禁止;反對;不淮

No admittance except on business.

No parking.

  1. There is no + V-ing = It is impossible to V 不可能; 沒有人能

There is no way of telling what may happen.

= There is no telling what may happen.

= It is impossible to tell what may happen.

= No one can tell what may happen.

= We are unable to tell what may happen.

  1. not A but B = B, but A 不是A而是B, not only A but B = B as well as B AB皆是

He has in mind not a particular class of readers but men and women in general.

= He has in mind men and women in general, but a particular class of readers.

Not only you but also your friend is to blame. (not 視為插入句, 故動詞與your friend 一致)

= Your friend as well as you is to blame.

  1. nothing/little to be desired 沒有(很少) something/much to be desired一些(很多) 缺點

Your composition left much to be desired.

= There was much to be desired in your composition.

Your work leaves nothing to be desired.

= There is nothing to be desired in your work.

  1. be above + n./V-ing 恥於; 不屑

He wouldnt steal; he is above stealing.

This book is above me.

= This book is above my understanding.

= This book is above my comprehension.

He is not above asking questions.

  1. the last + n. 再怎麼說也不會的; 最不可能的

As your best friend, he will be the last person to betray you. 不會背叛

  1. fail to + V = be unable to V 未能 not/never fail to V = V without fail 一定

He failed to arrive in time.

= He was unable to arrive in time.

I never fail to keep my word.

= I keep my word with fail.

  1. 一點也不 not at all = anything but = far from = in no wise = in no way = in no respect = by no means = not in the least = none too = not nearly = not a bit = not , more or less = not begin to V

The boy, far from (being) diligent, does not take any interest in his studies at all.

The picture does not take my fancy, more or less.

I could not afford to ride, more or less.

That suit does not even begin to become you.

He does not begin to speak English.

  1. ~ but 的困惑: anything but 一點也不 all but 幾乎;大致上nothing but只是

His English is anything but correct. 錯誤百出

His English is all but correct. 缺點有但不多

His English is nothing but correct. 只是沒有錯而已談不上好

He all but (almost) broke the record.

There was nothing but water.

  1. not a bit 一點也沒有and not a little很多

You have not changed a bit.

You have not changed a little.

His business is not a little promising. 很有前途

  1. more or less and not more or less 一點也不

She is more or less (somewhat) beautiful.

She is not beautiful, more or less.

= She is not beautiful at all.

  1. not nearly 一點也不and almost not幾乎不

They are not nearly enough.

= They are not enough at all.

They are almost not enough.

= They are hardly enough.

  1. none too 一點也不and not too 不太

It is none too hot.

It is not too hot.

  1. no little/not a little/quite a little = much and no few/not a few/quite a few = many 很多

He has much money but I have many books.

= He has not a little money, but I have not a few books.

= He has no little money; I have no few books.

= He has quite a little money; I have quite a few books.

= He has a great deal of money but I have a great number of books.

  1. 不說都知道 (It goes with saying that = Needless to say, )

It goes without saying that honesty is the best policy.

= Needless to say, honesty is the best policy.

  1. 這麼說並不過份 (It is not going to far to say that)

It is not going to far to say that language is the greatest characteristic of man.

= It is not too much to say that language is the greatest characteristic of man.

= It is no exaggeration to say that language is the greatest characteristic of man.

= It may safely be said that language is the greatest characteristic of man.

It is no exaggeration to say that a man is known by the company he keeps.

  1. 否定字詞的倒裝句 強調句中的否定部份 {Never, Seldom, No, Little, Hardly, Not, Rarely, Scarcely, In vain, Neither, Nor, Much less} + V + S

I didnt ever say a word to him.

= Not a word did I ever say to him. 受詞

I shall never forget the beautiful school days.

= Never shall I forget the beautiful school days. 副詞

We have heard nothing from him yet.

= Nothing have we heard from him yet. 受詞

A visit to the moon is no longer a dream.

= No longer is a visit to the moon a dream. 副詞

I know little about him.

= Little do I know about him. 受詞

  1. only 的倒裝句

One knows its value only when one loses freedom.

= Only when one loses freedom does one know its value.

We can succeed only by working hard.

= Only by working hard can we succeed.

I have only one little gleam of hope.

= Only one little gleam of hope do I have.

  1. 地方副詞的倒裝句(adv. V n./ adv. Pron. V)

An attractive receptionist sat behind the counter.

= Behind the counter sat an attractive receptionist.

She sat behind the counter.

= Behind the counter she sat. 代名詞不倒裝!

  1. 主詞補語的倒裝句(主詞補語V S)

My life is empty.

= Empty is my life.

The days when my heart was young and gay are gone.

= Gone are the days when my heart was young and gay.

  1. so 的倒裝(So aux. S = S aux., too So S aux. = Yes, S aux. 的確)

You are young and so am I.

= You are young and I am, too.

I hear you performed a play in celebration of the schools anniversary. So we did.

= I hear you performed a play in celebration of the schools anniversary. Yes, we did.

  1. 比較句的倒裝(S V as/than aux. S )

He has bought as many clothes as his wife has.

= He has bought as many clothes as has his wife.

= He has bought as many clothes as his wife.

Our director of studies is more capable than our principal is.

= Our director of studies is more capable than is our principal.

= Our director of studies is more capable than our principal.

  1. such 的倒裝(S is such + {that S V, as to V} = Such is S + )

My progress in English was so great that it pleased my parents.

= My progress in English was such that it pleased my parents.

= My progress in English was so great as to please my parents.

= My progress in English was such as to please my parents.

= So great was my progress in English that it pleased my parents.

= Such was my progress in English that it pleased my parents.

= So great was my progress in English as to please my parents.

= Such was my progress in English as to please my parents.

My progress in English was so little that it displeased my parents.

= My progress in English was such that it displeased my parents.

= My progress in English was so little as to displease my parents.

= My progress in English was such as to displease my parents.

= So little was my progress in English that it displeased my parents.

= Such was my progress in English that it displeased my parents.

= So little was my progress in English as to displease my parents.

= Such was may progress in English as to displease my parents.

  1. 名詞子句當主詞(It V + {to V, that S V, wh- S V})

It is bad for health to keep indoors all day.

= It is bad for health that one keeps indoors all day.

It is doubtful whether he will come.

  1. 名詞子句當受詞(S V it O.C + {to V, that S V, wh- S V})

Do you think (that) it is bad for health to keep indoors all day? 虛主詞

= Do you think (that) it is bad for health that one keeps indoors all day? 虛主詞

= Do you think it bad for health to keep indoors all day? 虛受詞(think)

= Do you think it bad for health that one keeps indoors all day? 虛受詞(think)

  1. 據說({People, They, Rumor} say(s) that = Rumor has it that = {I, We} hear that = {Im, Were} told that = It is {said, rumored} that = S is {said, rumored} to V)

People (They) say that no change is given on buses.

= Rumor says that no change is given on buses.

= I (We) hear that no change is given on buses.

= Im (Were) told that no change is given on buses.

= It is said (rumored) that no change is given on buses.

= It is said (rumored) that no change is given on buses.

It is said that she was rich.

= She is said to have been rich.

Rumor has it that the veteran has many a close brush with death.

  1. 碰巧 (It happens/chances that S V = S happen/chance to V) 似乎 (It seems/appears that S V = S seem/appear to V) 的句型

It happened that I was out when he called.

= I happened to be out when he called.

It chanced that there was someone there I know.

= There chanced to be someone there I know.

It seems to me that the valley is very deep.

= The valley seems (to be) very deep to me.

It appears to me that you are all mistaken.

= You appear to be all mistaken to me.

  1. 再所當然 的句型 (It is taken for granted that It is taken as a matter of course that It stands to reason that )

It is taken for granted that a bosom friend cannot be easily made.

It was taken as a matter of course that he was fired.

With such an upbringing it stands to reason that the child will be spoiled.

A man of originality often takes nothing for granted.

Freedom of speech is taken as a matter of course.

The young take it for granted that what is new is better than what is old.

  1. 形容詞子句的形成 (S V conj. S V = antecedent + relative )

I have an uncle, and he is a teacher.

= I have an uncle who is a teacher.

Look up in your dictionary the word if you dont understand the meaning of it.

= Look up in your dictionary the word the meaning of which you dont understand.

= Look up in your dictionary the word of which the meaning you dont understand.

= Look up in your dictionary the word whose meaning you dont understand.

He is the kind of friend so we can look to him for assistance.

= He is the kind of friend to whom we can look for assistance.

= He is the kind of friend (whom) we can look to for assistance.

He is not the man (that) he was.

= He is not what he was.

= He seems different from what he used to be.

= He is a changed man.

  1. 插入句 (who S think V ) 非插入句 (whom S think to V )

I met a man. I thought he was a saint.

= I met a man who I thought was a saint.

= I met a man. I thought him to be a saint.

= I met a man whom I though to be a saint.

  1. what 的功用 (what S be 成就, 品德 what S have 財富)

You are what your were. 還是老樣子

Your parents have made you what you are today.

What a man is contributes much more to his happiness than what he has. 品德比財富更能使他幸福

  1. Those who 的句型 ({Those (people) who, They/People who, Such (people) as} + pl. V 凡是的人們 {He/One who, Anyone who, Whoever} + sin. V 凡是的人

Those who have money do not want for friends.

= Such as have money do not want for friends. as當關代

= He who has money does not want for friends.

= Whoever has money does not want for friends.

No distance can sever those whom the fate unites. 有緣千里來相會

Almighty Heaven is not indifferent to those whose hearts are earnest. 皇天不負苦心人

He who would search for pearls must dive deep. 不入虎穴焉得虎子

  1. 形容詞子句的非限定用法 (子句/片語, as/which )

He said nothing, which made her angry.

He said nothing which made her angry.

He was a foreigner, which/as I knew from his accent.

= He was a foreigner, and I knew it from his accent.

They tried to surprise the harbor, which was a large order.

= They tried to surprise the harbor, as was a larger order.

= They tried to surprise the harbor, but it was a large order.

Yesterday I bumped into Mr. Lee, which I have long wished for.

Yesterday I bumped into Mr. Lee, whom I most worshiped in childhood.

  1. 準關係代名詞的句型 (否定字/疑問字but ; {such, the same, as} as ; -er than ) :but, as, than 有時可當關代

In our class there is no one that doesnt hope to go to college.

= In our class there is no one but hopes to go to college.

Let children read those books which will make them better and wise.

= Let children read such books as will make them better and wise.

As a result, there are more products than are required.

  1. such as像那樣 and such that結果 : as 是關代that是連接詞

This book is written in such easy English as beginners can understand.

This book is written in such easy English that beginners can understand it.

  1. 尋常級比較的句型 (not as/so adj./adv. as S V )

It is not as/so hot today as it was yesterday.

= It is not as/so hot today as yesterday.

We are as responsible for what we say as we are for what we do.

She runs as fast as she can.

= She runs as fast as possible.

  1. the same n. as …” and as adj. as …”

This fabric is the same thickness as that.

= This fabric is as thick as that.

  1. 絕不比 (no er than = as opposite adj. as )

I am no richer than you.

= I am as poor as you.

She is no less beautiful than her sister.

= She is as beautiful as her sister.

  1. 的表現句型 ({no, never, cant} {-er, so as} = -er than any other )

Nothing is so precious as life.

= No other thing is more precious than life.

= Life is more precious than any other thing.

= Life is the most precious of all.

A more interesting story I have never heard.

= It is the most interesting story I have ever heard.

= No other story that I have ever heard is so interesting as this.

= It is more interesting story than any other story that I have ever heard.

You couldnt have come at a more inconvenient time. 來的最不是時候

So far as my experience goes, there is no kind of sermon more effective than the example of a great man.

= So/As far as my experience is concerned, there is no kind of sermon more effective than the example of a great man.

  1. 之一 (as as {any n., ever V})

President Lee is as great a statesman as ever lived/breathed.

= President Lee is as great a statesman as any statesman.

= President Lee is one of the greatest statesmen that ever lived/breathed.

He is as diligent a student as any. 最用功之一

He is as diligent a student as ever/before. 如往常一樣用功

  1. ...就越

The longer he waited, the angrier he became.

The sooner, the better.

The more haste, the less speed. 欲速則不達

  1. A 之於 B 猶如 X 之於Y (A is to B as/what X is to Y)

Reading is to the mind as food is to the body.

= Reading is to the mind what food is to the body.

= As food is to the body so is reading to the mind.

= What food is to the body that is reading to the mind.

= What food is to the body, reading is to the mind.

  1. as so…”正像也一樣 : so 倒裝不倒裝均可

As you sow, so you shall reap.

= Just as you sow, so shall you reap.

= You must reap what you have sown.

Just as the lion is the king of beasts, so the eagle is the king of birds.

  1. A 猶如 B (It is in/with A as in/with B = A is compared to B = A is like B)

Life is like a dream.

= It is in life as in a dream.

= It is with life as with a dream.

= Life is compared to a dream.

It is in the love-field as in the battle-field. 情場如戰場

It is in studying as in eating; he who does it gets the benefits, and not he who sees it done.

  1. 的確 (As I live = As I am here = As my nose is on my face = As you sit here = As you stand here = As the sun shines)

As you sit here, I mean well. 我的確是善意的

She is gone, as you stand here.

As I live, I mean business.

= As I live, I mean what I say. 我說的的確是正經話

  1. as many 同數的 as much 同量的

There are four robberies in as many hours.

I think so.

= I think as much.

= I think as much as you told me.

It is as much as to say that I am a fool.

  1. as it is 的困惑 (句首:事實上 句尾:原樣的) as it were 活像

As it is, his speech is beneath contempt.

I like the house better as it is.

The newspaper is, as it were, the eyes and ears of society.

He is, as it were, a walking dictionary.

He find fault with society as it is without having anything better to suggest in its place.

  1. (一般來)(as S {be, stand, go, run} )

As the world goes, he is a man of the old school.

As the proverb goes, those who know nothing fear nothing.

She is a good wife, as wives run.

  1. No less than一樣; No more than一樣不

He is no more diligent than you (are).

= He is not diligent any more than you (are).

= He is not diligent just as you are not.

= He is not diligent, nor are you.

= Neither he nor you are diligent.

You are no less beautiful than your mother.

= You are as beautiful as your mother.

= Both your mother and you are very beautiful.

She is no more virtuous than intelligent.

= She is neither virtuous nor intelligent.

I have no more than 20 dollars.

= I have only 20 dollars.

I have no less than 20 dollars.多達(表驚訝)

= I have as many as 20 dollars.

  1. 寧願 ({would, had} {rather, sooner} V than V = {would, had} as soon V as V = prefer {n., V-ing} to {n, V-ing} = prefer (to V) rather than V)

I would rather stand than sit.

= I had rather stand than sit.

= I would sooner stand than sit.

= I had sooner stand than sit.

= I would as soon stand as sit.

= I had as soon stand as sit.

= I prefer standing to sitting.

= I prefer to stand rather than sit.

  1. not so much A as B與其說是A不如說是B; not so much as 甚至於不

Success in life depends not so much on talent as on diligence.

He can not so much as write his own name.

He is not so much diligent as wise.

= He is not diligent so much as wise.

= He is less diligent than wise.

= He is more wise than diligent.

= He is wise rather than diligent.

= He is not diligent but wise.

= He is not diligent but rather wise.

He left the room; he did not so much as say good-bye to me.

= He left the room without so much as saying good-bye to me.

= He left the room without saying so much as good-bye to me.

  1. 倍數 as adj./adv. as = 倍數 the n. of

The earth is forty-nine times as large as the moon.

= The earth is forty-nine times the size of the moon.

  1. none/not the er for/because 不因 (all) the er for/because 正因

She loves you none the less for your faults.

= She loves you none the less because you have faults.

= She does not love you the less because you have faults.

= Though you have faults, she loves you none the less.

= You have faults, but she loves you none the less.

= You have faults; nevertheless she loves you.

They became all the better friends for a misunderstanding.

= They became all the better friends because there was a misunderstanding.

= As there was a misunderstanding, they became (all) the better friends.

= There was a misunderstanding, so they became the better friends.

True, he has some faults, but I do not love him the less.

I like him none the worse for being outspoken.

I am none the wiser for your explanation. 仍不懂

  1. know better (than to V) 不會那麼笨到去做..

I know better than to do such a thing.

= I am wiser than to do such a thing.

= I am wise enough not to do such a thing.

= I am not so foolish as to do such a thing.

Time and tide wait for no man, so you should know better than to fool around.

Wives of great men usually know better.

  1. 雖然但是

Although/though he is poor, (yet) he is very happy.

= Although poor, he is very happy.

= He is poor but he is very happy.

Though we are beaten, we are not disgraced.

  1. 即使的分詞表現法 {Granting, Granted, Admitting, Assuming} that S V = Although S V

Although you are right, I am not wrong.

= Granting/Granted/Grant that you are right, I am not wrong.

= Admitting/Assuming that your are right, I am not wrong.

Assuming that this is true, I am not to blame.

  1. 的確但是 {It is true, Certainly, Indeed, Of course, No doubt, To be true} S V, but S V.

It is true that summer is very hot, but the wicked summer sun is nothing to me.

  1. 雖然的介詞表現法 {Although, For all, With all, Despite, Notwithstanding, In spite of, After all, In (the) face of, Regardless of} S V = {*} n./V-ing

Although he is wealthy, he is unhappy.

= Although being wealthy, he is unhappy.

= In spite of his wealth, he is unhappy.

For all that, a man is a man.

  1. 疑問字的讓步句型 Wh-ever , S V = No matter Wh- , S V

However learned a man may be, he should not be proud.

= No matter how learned a man may be, he should not be proud.

= Although a man may be learned, he should not be proud.

Whenever [No matter when] we call on him, we will find him at his desk.

Wherever [No matter where] a hero may go, he is popular.

Whatever [No matter what] you may do, do it well.

Whatever results follow, I am innocent.

Whichever [No matter which] you like, take it.

Whichever train you take, you will be there by ten oclock.

Whoever [No matter who] may come, he is welcome.

Whomever [No matter whom] you may doubt, never doubt yourself.

Whosever [No matter whose] son you are, I cant make an exception of you.

  1. 雖然 {n., adj., adv., 分詞, 動詞原式} as/though S V

Although she is a woman, she is equal to the occasion.

= Woman as she is, she is equal to the occasion. 名詞不加冠詞

Although it seems improbable, it is true.

= Improbable as it seems, it is true.

Although I like you much, I can not marry you.

= Much as I like you, I can not marry you.

Although he was burdened, he walked too quickly for me.

= Burdened as he was, he walked too quickly for me.

Although he may try, he can not succeed.

= Try as he may, he can not succeed.

  1. Whether A or B

Whether it may rain or shine, I will be there.

            = Rain or shine, I will be there.

            Whether I am asleep or awake, this problem is always in my mind.

            = Asleep or awake, this problem is always in my mind.

            Whether or not he comes.

            = Whether he comes or not.

  1. Be it ever so humble 雖然;無論(V原式 + {S, Wh- S} )

Although it is ever so humble, there is no place like home.

= Be it ever so humble, there is no place like home.

= Let it be ever so humble, there is no place like home.

No matter what you may say, I dont like it.

= Whatever you may say, I dont like it.

= Say what you may, I dont like it.

Come what may, I will stand by you.

= Whatever may come, I will support you.

= No matter what may come, I will back you up.

  1. 直到 (S not V until = Not until aux. S = It is not until that S V )

I didnt go to school until the age of ten.

= Not until I was ten years old did I go to school.

= It was not until ten years old that I went to school.

  1. 一當馬上就 (As soon as S V, S V = S had no sooner p.p. than S V = S had hardly/scarcely p.p. when/before S V = No sooner aux. S V than S V)

As soon as the shower passed, a beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky.

= The shower had no sooner passed than a beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky.

= The shower had hardly passed before a beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky.

= No sooner had the shower passed than a beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky.

(As soon as S V, S V = The moment/minute/instant S V, S V = Directly/Immediately/Instantly/Once S V, S V = On V-ing, S V = At n., S V)

= Directly the shower passed, a beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky.

= The moment the shower passed, a beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky.

= Once the shower passed, a beautiful rainbow appeared in the sky.

The instant she heard the news, she was beside herself with joy.

= On hearing the news, she was beside herself with joy.

= At the news, she was beside herself with joy.

Hardly had she entered the room when she measured her length on the floor.

No sooner said than done.

Once he hesitated, we had him.

  1. 自從 (It {is, has been} 時間 since S p.V = 時間 have passed since S p.V)

It is three years since I left school.

= Three years have passed since I left school.

How long is it since you began to learn English.

  1. not long (far) before 沒多久就

It will not be long before summer comes.

= Summer will come before long.

I had not gone far before it began to rain.

  1. 目的的副詞子句及其變化 (S V {that, so that, in order that} S may/might V = S V {to, in order to, so as to} V = S V {with a view to, for the sake of, with the aim of} V-ing/n.)

We study hard that we may succeed.

= We study hard so that we may succeed.

= We study hard to succeed.

= We study hard so as to succeed.

= We study hard with a view to succeeding.

= We study hard for the sake of success. 努力的目的是有所成就

  1. 否定目的的表現法; 以免;惟恐; (S V {lest, for fear (that), in case (that)} S (should) V = S V for fear of V-ing)

Dont go there often lest you (should) get yourself talked about.

= Dont go there often that you may not get yourself talked about.

= Dont go there often for fear of getting yourself talked about.

= Dont go there often in order not to get yourself talked about.

  1. 結果副詞子句;如此這般結果({so adj./adv. a n., such (a) adj. n.} {that S V, as to V})

He is such an honest man that he is trusted by all.

= He is such an honest man as to be trusted by all.

= He is so honest a man that he is trusted by all.

= He is so honest a man as to be trusted by all.

= He is so honest that he is trusted by all.

= He is so honest as to be trusted by all.

It is such strong coffee that you dont drink it before going to bed.

My family made such noises that I could not read at all.

There were so many people that we could not get in.

= There were such a lot of people that we could not get in.

  1. 結果的活用 (have the 抽象名詞to V = be so adj. as to V = be adj. enough to V = be 單數普通名詞enough to V) : 單數普通名詞可當形容詞

He had the foolishness to do such a thing.

= He was so foolish as to do such a thing.

= He was foolish enough to do such a thing.

= He was fool enough to do such a thing.

  1. 一則因為A再則因為B (What with A and (what with) B = What between A and (what between) B = Between A and B)

What with hunger and (what with) fatigue, he fell down on the road.

= What between hunger and (what between) fatigue, he fell down on the road.

= Between hunger and fatigue, he fell down on the road.

What by threats and what by entreaties, he achieved his purpose.

= Partly by threats and partly by entreaties, he achieved his purpose.

Between laziness and dishonesty, he was sent about his business.

What with anxiety and lack of sleep, he was tired.

What with a small salary and what with a large family to support, he moonlights as a taxi driver.

  1. to 與動名詞問題 (with a view to V-ing = in order to V)

With a view to making a quick profit, the firm was reduced to sacrificing control over the quality of their products.

I object to his going abroad.

= I am opposed to his going abroad.

= I have an objection to his going abroad.

I am not used to {get/become used to, accustomed to} being spoken to like that.

He is given to reading.

= He takes to reading.

= He loves reading.

She is very weak and not equal to a long journey.

= She is very weak and not able to make a long journey.

= She is too week to make a long journey.

Due to his driving carelessly, he was killed in the accident.

= Owing to his careless driving, he was killed in the accident.

I am look forward to hearing you soon.

Whatever Mr. Brown does, he does it with an eye to making more money.

= Whatever Mr. Brown does, he does it with a view to making more money.

= Whatever Mr. Brown does, he does it in order to make more money.

He applied himself to learning English.

= He devoted himself to learning English.

= He was devoted to learning English.

= He was dedicated to learning English.

What do you say to taking a walk.

= What say you to taking a walk.

I dont feel up to doing it. 無法勝任

= I dont feel equal to doing it.

= I am not up to doing it.

= I am not equal to doing it.

The old friends met and fell to taking about their school days.

= The old friends met and began to talk about their school days.

I take exception to going swimming.

= I object to going swimming.

= I am opposed to going swimming.

The poor man was reduced to stealing. 不得不;淪為

  1. be used to的困惑

be used to V-ing/n. 習慣於

= be accustomed to V-ing/n./V

be used to V 被用作

= be used for V-ing

used to V 過去經常

= would V

He is used to living such a life.

= He is used to such a life.

= He is accustomed to living such a life.

= He is accustomed to such a life.

= He is accustomed to live such a life.

Gravel is much used to make roads.

= Gravel is much used for making roads.

He used to sit thoughtful.

= He would sit thoughtful.

He is not what he used to be.

= He is not what he was.

  1. come near (to) 幾乎要;差點兒

come/go/be near (to) V-ing = nearly/almost V

Our army came [went/was] near (to) obtaining a complete victory.

= Our army nearly [almost] obtained a complete victory.

He went near being drowned.

  1. 動名詞作受詞(anticipate, risk, avoid, suggest, resist, admit, fancy, imagine, practice, escape, finish, mind, stand, enjoy, excuse, deny, escape, consider, postpone, put off, recall, delay, miss, appreciate)

anticipate V-ing 期待

= expect to V

I anticipate picking up all the information from travelling.

= I expect to pick up all the information from travelling.

I cant risk getting a flat tire in almost out of the way place.

You cant avoid seeing her.

I suggested that he give up smoking.

= I suggested his giving up smoking.

I cant resist smiling.

He admitted having robbed her of her money.

Fancy his believing it! 噯呀! 他竟會相信.

Practice reading English aloud regularly.

I escape being run over by a hairs breadth.

Have you finished changing the wallpaper?

Would you mind putting out the fire?

= Would you please put out the fire?

I cant stand being made sport of.

All of my family enjoy jogging early in the morning.

Please excuse my not being able to come to the meeting.

He got angry when I denied knowing anything about it.

I consider practicing playing the piano.

We have to postpone [put off] climbing Mountain Ah-li for a sudden change of the weather.

Can you recall having stayed at the hotel.

I have to delay replying the mail.

It has missed being A No. 1 tea.

Imagine flunking English. = Fancy flunking English. 真想不到英文給當掉了

I would very much appreciate receiving a copy of the book.

  1. S {need, want, deserve} + {V-ing, to be p.p., n.} 需要(值得)

The canteen in our school needs to be improved.

= The canteen in our school needs improving.

= The canteen in our school needs improvement.

You deserve to be praised.

= You deserve praising.

= You deserve praise.

The house wants to be painted.

= The house wants painting.

Her performance merited applause. 值得喝釆

= Her performance deserved applauding.

= Her performance merited to be applauded.

  1. S be worth + V-ing (主動代被動)/n.

This book is worth reading.

= This book is worthy of being read.

= This book is worthy to be read.

= It is worth while to read this book.

= It is wroth while reading this book.

= It pays to read this book.

He is a man of means.

= He is worth a million.

  1. Be past + V-ing/n. = be beyond n.

The pain was past enduring.

= The pain was past endurance.

= The pain was beyond endurance.

It is beyond me.

= It is past my comprehension.

It is no picnic.

= It is difficult.

  1. S be busy/worth + V-ing; S be adj to V

He is busy keeping books.

Rome is a city worth visiting.

I shall be glad to do what I can.

  1. have (經歷) {difficulty, trouble, a hard time, fun, pleasure, a good time} (in) V-ing

I had a hard time (in) finding your house.

How much trouble did you have (in) leaning English.

They had a good time defending the title again.

  1. go shopping and do the shopping 做某事do the V-ing; 從事go V-ing

I do the cooking myself.

= I cook myself.

Lets go swimming.

= Lets go for a swim.

  1. Stop V-ing 停止做; stop to V 停下來去做

I cant stop loving you.

We seldom stop to think about how different these two worlds are.

  1. Remember to V 記住去做; remember V-ing 過去做過的事

I remember seeing her somewhere before.

I forget to mail the letter.

I forget mailing the letter.

  1. Regret V-ing 後悔曾; regret to V 抱歉要

I regret not having gone with him.

= It is a pity that I didnt go with him.

I regret to say that he is ill in bed.

= I am sorry to say that he is ill in bed.

We regret to inform you that your tenure is not granted.

  1. Try to V盡力去做; try V-ing 試試看

I try to persuade him but in vain.

Try taking this medicine.

Try to behave better.

= Try and behave better. (口語)

  1. go on to V 接著去(做不同事); go on V-ing 繼續(做相同事)

After cooking, mother went on t bathe us children.

The price is going on rising.

After writing thousands of letters, I went on to marry her.

  1. 事物mean V-ing 某事的意義是; mean to V 某人打算(存心要)

Love means never having to say you are sorry.

Do you mean to make me cry?

Culture means trying to make ourselves and our own mind perfect.

I mean to go into business. 從商

I mean business.

= I mean it.

= I mean what I say.

= I am in earnest.

= I am serious.

= I am not joking.

Living in a city means living in a prison where one is deprived of fresh air and sunlight.

  1. Like {to V, V-ing} 喜愛; would/should like to V 想要;希望; feel like V-ing 想要

Do you like to watch TV?

= Do you like watching TV?

= Do you enjoy watching TV?

= Are you fond of watching TV?

Would you like to take a rest?

= Do you want a rest?

I feel like crying.

= I feel inclined to cry.

Do you want to go? I should like to.

  1. It is (of) no use {V-ing, to V}. 沒有用處

= It is no good V-ing.

= It is useless to V.

= There is no {use, good, point} in V-ing.

= What is the {use, good, point} of V-ing?

It is (of) no use talking.

= It is (of) no use to talk.

= It is no good talking.

= It is useless to talk.

= There is no point in talking.

= What is the use of talking?

It is no good [use] crying over spilt milk.

The die is cast. What is the good of arguing.

  1. of ones own + V-ing/n. = p.p. by oneself 自己

Luck is of our own making. (較流暢)

= Luck is made by ourselves.

He showed me a picture painted by himself.

= He showed me a picture of his own painting.

Usually that which a man calls fate is a web of his own weaving, from threads of his own spinning.

Long years of studying hard were the making of him.

Gambling was the undoing [ruin] of him.

The failure was of his own making. 自已造成失敗

The failure was the making of him. 那次失敗是他成功的主因

  1. burst out + V-ing = burst into n. 突然

On hearing the bad news, she burst out crying.

= On hearing the bad news, she burst into tears.

The car burst out burning.

= The car burst into flames.

As luck would have it (= Fortunately), he recovered very quickly.

As luck would have it (= Unfortunately), he was still confined to his bed with illness.

As luck would have it, he burst into a run. The shot missed his head by a hairs breadth.

  1. 動詞用作主詞 {To V, V-ing} V ()

For us to do so is right.

= Our doing so is right.

= It is right for us to do so.

Not to think of her is difficult.

= Not thinking of her is difficult.

= It is difficult not to think of her.

To err is human; to forgive (is) divine.

To keep good hours is good for health.

= Keeping good hours is good for health.

Whether to accept the gift is more than he can decide.

  1. too {to V, for O}

He is too old to walk fast.

She is too beautiful for words.

He is too young to do the task.

= He is too young for the task.

= He is so young that he can not do the task.

Its too hot to eat.

= Its too hot to be eaten.

= Its too hot for eating.

= Its so hot that we cannot eat it.

It is too good to last.

  1. too adj./adv. not (to + V) 不會不 = adj./adv. enough (to V) 所以會

He is too wise not to know that.

= He is wise enough to know that.

He is too much of a man of the world not to know better.

The rivals will think lightly of our success in business.

The rivals will think meanly of our success in business.

  1. {but, all, only} too (to + V)

Ill be only too pleased to come.

= Ill be very pleased [exceedingly] to come.

You know but too well to hold your tongue/peace.

= You know all too well to keep silent.

My first love came to an end all too soon.

  1. too ready (to V) 很容易就; too anxious (to V)很渴望去

She is too ready to talk.

= She is very talkative.

易於: ready, apt, inclined, liable, easy, prone, likely

渴望: anxious, eager

喜歡: willing, forward

以上字若以too to 形容, 則無否定意義

He is too much inclined to give himself airs.

= He is too ready to put on airs. 裝腔作勢

He is too ready to speak ill [well] of others. 易說人壞話

I am too apt to oversleep myself on holidays. 易睡過頭

There are few things of which we are apt to be so wasteful as time.

The freedom they have today will never be too easy to preserve.

He is too prone to have an affair with women.

They are too likely to sit on the fence. 騎牆觀望(中立)

We are too forward to love our country. 愛國不落人後

Many people are too anxious to get rich. 渴望

Jack was too willing to take my advice. 樂意

We are too eager to wipe the floor with them. 把他們打得落花流水

She is too liable to get mad/angry. 易生氣

= She is quick to take offense.

  1. 不定詞的時態之一

S 推斷V to V 同時

S 推斷V to have p.p. 在先

He is said to have failed in the last examination.

= It is said that he failed in the last examination.

He seems to be rich.

            = It seems that he is rich.

            He seems to have been rich.

            = It seems that he was rich.

            Your are not supposed to have let the cat out of the bag. 洩密

  1. 不定詞的時態之二

S be adj. to V 同時

S be adj. to have p.p. 在先

I am sorry to have offended you the other day.

= I am sorry that I offended you the other day.

I am sorry to have kept you waiting.

I am glad to meet you. 見面時說

I am glad to have met you. 分手時說

  1. 過去希望 (但未達成)

S 希望V(過去式) to have p.p.

I expected to have met you at the station.

I hope to see you. 未來去看你

I hoped to have seen you.過去打算去看你, 但沒能去

I wanted to have paid a visit to Sun-Moon Lake.

I was to have given her a ring. 本想打電話

I am to stay away for a whole week. 未來

I was to stay away for a whole week. 過去

I was to have stayed away for a whole week. 本想離家但沒

  1. 何況 S (not) V {to say nothing of, not to speak of, not to mention, let alone S} O

He can speak English, to say nothing of Mandarin.

= He can speak English, not to speak of Mandarin.

= He can speak English, not to mention Mandarin.

= He can speak English, let alone Mandarin.

= He can speak English, much [still/even] more Mandarin.

He cannot speak Mandarin, to say nothing of English.

= He cannot speak Mandarin, much [still/even] less English.

I like bananas, not to mention oranges. (both like)

I dont like bananas, not to mention oranges. (both dislike)

It is hot, to say nothing of warm.

It is warm, not to say hot. = It is warm, if not hot. 雖說不上熱, 但也夠暖和了

  1. do nothing but/except V = not do anything but/except V 只是

She does nothing but eat.

= She does not do anything but eat.

= She can hardly do anything but eat.

She thinks of nothing but eating.

She wants nothing but to eat.

She enjoys nothing but eating.

He is given to pleasure.

= He does nothing but pursue pleasure.

All the spectators desired nothing but there to be an exciting game.

There is 的不定詞, 動名詞, 分詞表現法

I dont want there to be any misunderstanding.

I little dreamed of there being such a beautiful place.

There being no bus, we had to walk home.

  1. 不得不

cant help V-ing

= cant {but, help but, choose but} V

= have no (other) choice/alternative but (to V)

= There is nothing for it but (to V)

I cant help doing it.

= I cant but do it.

= I cant help but do it.

= I cant choose but do it.

= I have no other choice but do it.

= There is nothing for it but to do it

= I do it because I cant help it.

I cant help (to) do it. 不能幫忙

No one can help influencing others.

  1. 即將

be about to V

= be going to V

= be on the {point, edge, brink, eve} of V-ing/n.

When a man is about to die, his words are good.

= When a man is going to breathe his last, his words are nice.

= When a man is on the point of death, his words are gracious.

We were on the point of going out when a friend dropped in.

The plane is about to take off.

He is on the verge of going broke/bankrupt.

  1. be sure to V = be bound to V 一定;必定

be sure of O = be confident of O 相信;確信

He is sure to live to ninety. 一定可活

He is sure of living to ninety.自信可活

It is not perfect, to be sure (indeed), but its good.

A man is bound to succeed if only he will do his utmost.

  1. 只要

All you have to do is (to) V

= What you have to do is (to) V

= The only thing you have to do is (to) V

= You have only to V

All/What you have to do is (to) do your best.

= The only thing you have to do is (to) do your best.

= You have only to do your best.

When we make soup, all we have to do is (to) pour hot water on the powder.

  1. 分詞作純形容詞

I saw a flying saucer once.

My father is a retired general.

I dont like spoilt children.

This is a piece of exciting news.

The excited mob set fire to the building.

English is a living/spoken language.

A drawing man will catch at a straw.

  1. 分詞片語

The book which belongs to him is lost.

= The book belonging to him is lost.

A stamp which is hidden in a book is difficult to find.

= A stamp hidden in a book is difficult to find.

  1. 分詞作主詞補語 (S 來往站坐V +分詞)

They sat listening to her singing.

My mother went shopping at the department store.

Food comes ready-cooked and frozen.

She came to me smiling.

She stood embarrassed.

The accused stood accused of trespassing on privacy.

He met with an accident, but by a lucky chance, escaped unhurt.

escaped當來去不及物動詞, unhurt是分詞當主詞補語, 他逃過了, 沒受傷

He met with an accident, but by a lucky chance, escaped being hurt.

escaped當及物動詞, being hurt是它的受詞, 他逃過了受傷

  1. 感官動詞(see, watch, notice, behold, look at, hear, listen to, feel)與使役動詞 (let, make, have, bid) 視句意可加原式與分詞!

I saw him enter the hospital.

= He was seen to enter the hospital.

= He was seen entering the hospital.

I saw him sent to hospital.

= He was seen sent to hospital.

What made you say that?

Can you make yourself understood in English?

He bade the servant call the boy into the room.

= He told the servant to call the boy into the room.

= The servant was bidden by him to call the boy into the room.

I hear somebody play the piano.

= I hear the piano played.

I could not make myself heard because of the noise.

I can see some little fishes swim/swimming about/around in the still water.

I will have someone see to it.

= I will have it seen to.

= I will have someone take care of it.

  1. have/get + O + p.p. 讓別人

I had/got my composition corrected by our teacher.

When did you last have/get your hair cut?

  1. 分詞作受詞補語 ({find, leave, keep} O 分詞)

Whenever you see an ant, you will find it working.

He found his dog killed.

Im sorry I have kept you waiting so long.

Somebody has left the water running.

I will keep you informed of his condition.

Some things are best left unsaid.

  1. 假分詞; adj.-n.+ed 新形容詞

She is a kind-hearted old lady. 名詞後加ed

Your work is first-class; Im very pleased with it.

e.g., a long-armed monkey, an one-eyed dog, a hot-tempered girl, etc.

But, a first-aid case, a first-rate dinner, first-time visitors, etc. 序數-名詞

Cool-headed people are equal to the occasion. 隨機應變

  1. 分詞構句

When he saw the video machine, he exclaimed with joy.

= Seeing the video machine, he exclaimed with joy.

= When seeing the video machine, he exclaimed with joy.

If I am permitted, Ill start tomorrow.

= Permitted, Ill start tomorrow.

= If permitted, Ill start tomorrow.

As tea is slightly alkaline, tea is good for the stomach.

= Being slightly alkaline, tea is good for the stomach.

= Slightly alkaline, tea is good for the stomach.

Though the hotel was crowded, we managed to find a room.

= The hotel crowded, we managed to find a room.

(Having been) Shot through the heart, the man was dead then and there.

Then and there = there and then = on the scene = on the spot = immediately.

  1. 對等連接詞與分詞構句 S V and S V = S V, 分詞構句

She stood amazed, and (she) did not know what to do.

= She stood amazed, not knowing what to do.

When I saw her, I went forward to meet her.

= Seeing her, I went forward to meet her.

= I saw her and I went forward to meet her.

= I saw here, going forward to meet her.

  1. .., including A = , A included = , inclusive of A

All on the plane were lost, including the crew.

= All on the plane were lost, the crew included.

= All on the plane were lost, inclusive of the crew.

= Including the crew, all on the plane were lost.

The hotel charges $5000 a day, excluding meals.

= The hotel charges $5000 a day, meals excluded.

= The hotel charges $5000 a day, exclusive of meals.

All of us, me included, were included.

= All of us, including me, were invited.

= They invited all of us, inclusive of me.

There were fifty present, myself among the rest.

= Fifty persons were present, including myself.

The rent is $100 inclusive.

= The rent is $100 inclusive of everything.

  1. 附帶狀況

S1 V and S2 V

= S1 V S2 分詞構句

= S1 V with O {分詞構句, adj., adv., 介詞片語}

The teacher stood in front of the blackboard, and his arms were folded.

= The teacher stood in front of the blackboard, his arms folded.

= The teacher stood in front of the blackboard, with his arms folded.

= The teacher stood in front of the blackboard, and (he) folded his arms.

= The teacher stood in front of the blackboard, folding his arms.

She played the piano, and I sang to the piano.

= She played the piano, I singing to the piano.

            = She played the piano, with me singing to the piano.

            What a lonely world it will be if she is away.

            = What a lonely world it will be, she being away.

            = What a lonely world it will be, with her being away.

            = What a lonely world it will be with her away.

            She rushed out of the room, with nothing on.

            Dont speak with your mouth full.

            With him away, weve got more room.

  1. according to {()名詞, 問句} 按照;根據

according as 平敘句

We must work and rest according to schedules.

According as the papers say, the artist will go down in history.

They are praised or scolded according to their work.

= They are praised or scolded according as they work.

= They are praised or scolded according to how they work.

You may go or stay according as you decide.

= You may go or stay according to your decision.

A diplomat must act according to circumstances.

A man will succeed in proportion to his perseverance.

= A man will succeed in proportion as he perseveres.

  1. may well and may as well

S may/might well V = S V and well S may/might 難怪;有理由

S may/might as well V = S had better/best V 最好;不如

S may as well A as B 與其B不如A

S might as well A as B B等於做A

You may/might well say so.

= You say so and well you may/might.

= You have good/enough/every reason to say so.

= No wonder you say so.

You may/might as well not fool around.

= You had better/best not fool around.

One may as well not know a thing at all as know it imperfectly.

You might as well throw your money into the sea as lend it to him.

You had better/best have stayed in yesterday.

= You had better/best not have gone out yesterday.

= You may/might as well have stayed in yesterday.

= You may/might as well not have gone out yesterday.

We might as well negotiate with a tiger for its hide as try to make peace with the Chinese Communists.

One may as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb.

He was proud of his feat, and well he might.

You might as well stay at home as not.

= You might as well stay at home.

  1. should have + p.p. 過去本該,竟然,當然; should V現在本該,竟然,當然

You should be punctual.

= You ought to be punctual.

I should have been on my guard against him, but I fell under the spell of his attractive looks.

= I should not have been off my guard against him, but I fell under the spell of his attractive looks.

= I ought not to have been off my guard against him, but I fell under the spell of his attractive looks.

It is strange that you should not know it. 竟然不知

I wonder that such a studious student as he should have failed in the entrance examination last year.

You should have told me earlier.

I think you should have done the dishes of your own accord. 自動地

  1. neednt have + p.p. 過去不必(卻做了); didnt need to V過去不必(未做)

You neednt talk so loud.

= You dont need to talk so loud.

= You dont have to talk so loud.

You neednt have told him the news; he knew it already.

He didnt need to go there, so he stayed.

I didnt need to go. = I didnt go.

I neednt have gone. = I did go.

  1. 對等連接詞

both A and BAB

either A or B不是A就是B

not A but B不是A而是B

She is well known both for her kindness and for her understanding.

= She is well known for her kindness as well as (for her) understanding.

= She is well known not only for her understanding but (also) for her kindness.

Either you must improve your work or I shall dismiss you.

= You must either improve your work or be dismissed.

= Improve your work or Ill dismiss you.

He succeeded not because he was fortunate but because he was diligent.

= He succeeded not because of fortune but because of diligence.

  1. wear 狀態; put on 動作

{dress , be dressed} in 衣服 (狀態)

She always wears green.

= She always dresses herself in green.

= She is always dressed in green.

= She is always in green.

= She always has green on.

He isnt old enough to dress himself.

= He isnt old enough to dress.

= He is too young to put on his clothes.

I got up quickly and dressed (myself).

She said she would go to the party if she didnt have to dress.

She was in her Sunday best. = She was in her Sunday clothes.

This shirt wears well. 耐穿

The kind old man housed the homeless and clothed the orphans as often as not.

As often as not = often

  1. rob{,}of=; stealfrom{, }=

He robbed the boy of his book.

He robbed the boy.

He robbed the bank.

A thief stole the money from the safe.

He was robbed of his watch.

She has had her watch stolen.

= She has had herself robbed of her watch.

= Somebody has stolen her watch.

= Somebody has robbed her of her watch.

The robber robbed my safe. 保險箱仍在

The robber robbed me of my safe.保險箱不在了

  1. 花錢與花時間

spend 時間 (in) V-ing

= It take () 時間 to V

= 事物take () 時間

spend 金錢on

= It cost () 金錢to V

= 事物cost () 金錢

事物cost () 犧牲或損害(時間,金錢,體力,精力,生命)

I spent 3 days (in) writing this letter.

= It took me 3 days to write this letter.

= This letter took (me) 3 days.

I spent 100 dollars on this book.

= It cost me 100 dollars to buy this book.

= This book cost (me) 100 dollars.

Writing this book cost (me) much time and care.

The boys wayward behavior cost his mother many a sleepless night.

The work cost his health. 這工作使他健康受損

  1. replace and substitute for A取代B

A replace B

= replace B with/by A

= A substitute for B

= substitute A for B

Tea has replaced coffee.

= We have replaced coffee with tea.

= We have replaced coffee by tea.

= Tea has substituted for coffee.

= We have substituted tea for coffee.

New typewriters are replacing the old.

= New typewriters are substituting for the old.

This is nothing more than replacing oppression by oppression.

  1. lie and lay

S lie = S be laid

S lie adj./adv. 在某狀態

S lay O 放置

I am tired; I must lie down.

= Im tired; I must lay myself down.

= Im tired; I must be laid down.

The book is lying open on the desk.

He keeps everything he can lay (his) hands on.

He is lying to us.

= He is telling a lie to us.

There lies the difficulty. = The difficulty lies there.

The cure lies in education.

The final decision lies with him.

The coast was undefended and lay open to attack.

  1. all + 抽象名詞=抽名+itself = the picture of 抽名 = very adj. 非常

We are all happiness.

= We are happiness itself/incarnate/personified.化身

= We are the picture of happiness.

= We are very happy.

The girl is very beautiful.

= The girl is all beauty.

= The girl is beauty itself/incarnate/personified.

He is greediness itself. You can say that again!

The customers were satisfaction itself with our service.

= The customers were bursting with satisfaction.

  1. all eyes 凝視; all ears 傾聽; all thumbs 笨拙; all smiles; all tears; all nerves;

Go ahead with your story; we are all ears.

= Go ahead; we are very eager to hear your story.

= Go ahead with your story; we are very attentive.

= Go ahead with your story; we are all attention.

  1. the +普通名詞 = 抽象名詞

When we hear our national anthem, the patriot arises spontaneously.

= When we hear our national anthem, patriotism arises spontaneously.

The child is father of the man. (By William Wordsworth, English poet) 由小看大; 江山易改, 本性難移

The wish is father to the thought. 願望是思想的根源

From the cradle to the grave every one depends on nature.

The pen is mightier than the sword. 文勝於武

We should give up the sword for the pen. 他干戈為玉帛

What is learned in the cradle is carried to the grave.

They work very hard to keep the wolf form the door. 求溫飽

When a man is reduced to want, the beggar appears.

She plays the queen. 女王之風

She plays the man. 舉止像男人

He forgot the judge in the father. 因親情而徇私

  1. to ones + n. 令某人的是

To my surprise, mother appeared suddenly before me.

= To my great surprise, my mother appeared before me suddenly.

= Much to my surprise, mother appeared suddenly before me.

To their dismay, they discover that they have trouble handling the universitys more rigorous academic demands.

To my great disappointment, you cannot accept my invitation.

To my joy/delight, he was superior to temptation.

I learned to my relief that my son had succeeded in the entrance examination.

We drank to our hearts content. 開懷暢飲

  1. A一般的B

an A of a B = a B like an A

He is a girl of a boy.

= He is a boy like a girl.

She is a boy of a girl.

= She is a girl like a boy.

His father is a saint of a man.

= His father is a man like a saint.

I dreamt that I lived in a palace of a place.

He is said to be an oyster of a man.

= People say that he is a man of few words.

He is a man of family. = He is a man of birth. 世家子弟

He is a man of many gifts. = He is a man of parts. = He is versatile.

He is a man of his word. = He keeps his word

My mother is an angel of a woman.

The teacher is a skeleton of a man.骨瘦如柴

There is a devil of a noise.

  1. It (表天候,時間,距離,狀態的主詞) +V

It rained heavily during the night.

= There was a heavy rain during the night.

= We had a heavy rain during the night.

It is Friday.

= It is Friday today.

= Today is Friday.

It is two miles to the station.

If it hadnt been for the snow, we could have climbed that mountain.

= But for snow, we could have climbed that mountain.

= Without snow, we could have climbed that mountain.

It is getting more and more dark. = It is getting darker and darker.

It is all up with thief, they have caught him. 完了

  1. It is褒貶形容詞(描寫人) of to V

It is非人稱形容詞(描寫事) for to V

It was unwise of you to accept his offer.

= You were unwise to accept his offer.

= How unwise (it was) of you to accept his offer!

It is necessary for you to help him.

= It is necessary that you should help him.

= You have to help him.

It is easy (for us) to get along with him.

= He is easy to get along with.

It is kind of you to help him.

= You are kind to help him.

= How kind (it is ) of you to help him.

How kind of you to take the trouble to show me round the city!不嫌麻煩

It is very bad of them and for them to do so.

It is good for you to keep good hours.早睡早起

Please call me up when it is convenient for you.

  1. It 與加強語氣

It is/was 要加強的{,,副詞}that/關代+句子其餘部份

It is I that am to blame.

= It is I who am to blame.

It was peace that they fought for.

<= They fought for peace.

When did you first meet your wife?

= When was it that you first met your wife?

It is not time but the will that he lacks.

It is in industry that success lies.成功在於勤勉

  1. 一定要 make it a point to V = make a point of V-ing

Make it a point not to cheat in the examination.

= Make a point of not cheating in the examination.

Father makes a great point of our going to college.

I will make a great point of seeing you before I leave for Taipei.

  1. 照例都; 養成的習慣 make it a rule/habit/practice to V = make a rule/habit/practice of V-ing

I make it a rule to read for half an hour before going to bed.

= I make a rule of reading for half an hour before going to bed.

He makes it a rule to take an hours walk every day.

= He makes a rule of taking an hours walk every day.

= He takes an hours walk every day.

  1. 前者與後者 that [=the former]this [=the latter] = the one [=the first]the other [=the second]

He has a cat and a dog; that is afraid of this.

= He has a cat and a dog; the former is afraid of the latter.

= He has a cat and a dog; the one is afraid of the other.

= He has a cat and a dog; the first is afraid of the second.

He has two dogs; one is black and the other white.

Health is above wealth because this (the latter/the second) can not give us so much happiness as that (the former/the first).

I can eat either rice or bread, but I prefer the former.

Tobacco and wine are both injurious; this, however, less than that.

I am good at both field events and track events, but I prefer those.田賽

  1. A是一回事B是另一回事 A is one thing and B is (quite) another (thing).

To know is one thing and to do is quite another thing.

= To know is one thing and to do is quite another.

= To know is one thing and to do is another thing.

= To know is one thing and to do is another.

It is one thing to cherish some high ideal and it is another to take it up with zest.

To love is one thing, and to be loved is another.

Theory is one thing and practice is another, so they dont necessarily go together.

  1. S V, and that .而且

She came at midnight, and that alone.

I have lost a book, and that the one I bought only the other day.

(that 代替前面全部或部份句子, 用以加強語氣)

All people seek after happiness, and that without any exception.

You must apologize to me, and that in public.

She speaks English, and that very well.

The shirt seems too good to throw away, and then/besides it is very becoming.

You must do it, and that at once.