James Michael (Mike) Derflinger
Birthday September 12,1960
Pastor Mike Derflinger is originally from
Front Royal, Virginia. He attended Longwood College from
1978-1982 and received a Bachelor of Science in Sociology and
attended post-graduated school from 1982-1985 at Virginia
Commonwealth. He attended Duke Divinity School from
1985-1989 and received a Masters of Divinity. Reverend
Derflinger's ministerial record includes four years at
Lakeland Charge, Epworth and Oylers Chapel United Methodist
Churches in Franklin County, Virginia (1985-1989), three years
at Concord United Methodist Church in Chatham, Virginia
(1989-1992), five years at Locust Grove United Methodist
Church in Salem, Virginia (1992-1997), four years at Chatham
Heights and Granbery United Methodist Churches in
Martinsville, Virginia (1997-2001), and Magnolia United
Methodist Church from 2001 to the present. He resides in
Suffolk with his wife and three children.