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Pastor Profile

James Michael (Mike) Derflinger
Birthday September 12,1960

Pastor Mike Derflinger is originally from Front Royal, Virginia.  He attended Longwood College from 1978-1982 and received a Bachelor of Science in Sociology and attended post-graduated school from 1982-1985 at Virginia Commonwealth.  He attended Duke Divinity School from 1985-1989 and received a Masters of Divinity.  Reverend Derflinger's ministerial record includes four years at Lakeland Charge, Epworth and Oylers Chapel United Methodist Churches in Franklin County, Virginia (1985-1989), three years at Concord United Methodist Church in Chatham, Virginia (1989-1992), five years at Locust Grove United Methodist Church in Salem, Virginia (1992-1997), four years at Chatham Heights and Granbery United Methodist Churches in Martinsville, Virginia (1997-2001), and Magnolia United Methodist Church from 2001 to the present.  He resides in Suffolk with his wife and three children. 


Magnolia United Methodist Church 1764 Wilroy Road, Suffolk, Virginia 23434 Phone: (757)538-8552
This site was last updated Wednesday March 08, 2006
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