Strategies for Linguistically Diverse Schools and Classrooms

Read the article titled, "Multicultural Education: Strategies for Linguistically Diverse Schools and Classrooms" by Deborah Menkart in your Study Guide on pages 168-175.  Pay close attention to the Questions and Answers about Implementing Multiculturalism on pages 171-172.  Respond to the answers provided for the four questions. In other words, do you agree or disagree with the answers that are provided? Why? Why not? Discuss your answers with a partner.


Skim the reading in your Study Guide titled, Sample Methods and Lessons on page 177-190, and choose one of the sample lessons. Review the lesson carefully.  Then do the following:

You may submit your answers to the facilitator using either the downloadable document or p.176 in the Study Guide.


Download the document in Microsoft Word format


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