Collier Revisited

In Section 2, Language Learning, you were presented with Virginia Collier's model utilizing a triangle to represent ESOL students' language acquisition for school (see below).  In each of the corners are academic development, cognitive development, and language development with socio-cultural processes in the center. All four processes are interdependent; neglecting one of the four may be detrimental to an ESOL student's overall growth and future success.  Sociocultural processes are in the middle as they strongly influence the other three.  As Collier points out, "If ESOL students feel that they (or their cultures or languages) are not valued by the school and the larger society, they may unconsciously resist learning and acculturating or may even act out or become alienated. It is crucial that educators provide a socioculturally supportive environment that allows natural language, academic, and cognitive development to flourish.   (Collier, 1995)

Source: Virginia P. Collier, 1994


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