Module 6: Introduction to Assessment

In this module you will learn to adapt traditional assessments and design alternative assessments to allow ESOL students opportunities to demonstrate their knowledge in the content areas. You will also learn to identify language and culture bias in testing, as well as acommodations that can be made for ESOL students taking classroom tests. The following two quotes reflect the basic principles that are emphasized in this module.

"You don't fatten your lambs by weighing them." (Vermont farmer)

A possible interpretation:

Students don't learn by being tested (weighed).
Students learn by being taught (fed).


"One who plants thorns should never expect to gather roses." (Arabian proverb)

A possible interpretation: 

The type of assessment that you use (plant) tells students what you think is important and how you will evaluate them; this is what they will learn, e.g., if you assess isolated facts (thorns) students will learn isolated facts; if you assess using knowledge and skills, students will learn to use knowledge and skills (roses).

NOTE: Prior to completing the online activities in this module, please read pages 151-154 in your Study Guide.


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